
3 astrological signs that will have the most luck in 2020

If you're wondering if your astrological sign is on the list of the luckiest signs in 2020, don't miss this entry.

If you are wondering if it is yours astrological sign in the list of characters with best of luck in 2020, don't miss this record.

V astrology each star and each planet has its own and different characteristics. Depending on their transits and positions in the sky, they affect each other and us here on Earth. And every time we talk about "lucky rays" - or influences, we often talk about Jupiter.


Jupiter is the giant planet of our Solar System. It rules the sign of Sagittarius and is associated with joy and optimism. The planet is also known as the giver of gifts and happiness. When it is well placed with your sign, you should be happy.

Jupiter will enter the sign of Capricorn on December 3, 2019 and spend two and a half years there. But together with Jupiter, Saturn also enters Capricorn. Unlike Jupiter, Saturn is known as the planet of "bad luck". Maybe it's not even in the true sense of the word, but in a figurative sense. It often brings you a "reward" even when you haven't earned it.


When it is Saturn in trine or withextil with your sign, brings benefits and advantages. And when it's not opposing, square, or conjunct your sign, the planet can be a lucky sign for you, too.

So let's see which astrological sign will have the most luck in 2020. We have arranged them from the sign with the most luck to the sign with the least luck:

1. Capricorn
2. A virgin
3. Bull
4. Fish
5. Scorpio
6. Sagittarius
7. Leo
8. Aquarius
9. Twins
10. Aries
11. Libra
12. Cancer

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