
3 Astrological Signs You Should Never Trust With Your Secrets (And 3 You Can Trust With Your Life)

You shouldn't trust just anyone with a secret.

While some friends can be trusted with all of our deepest secrets, we all have at least one friend who can't help but ruin every surprise party.

See which signs your secrets mean classified information and precious cargo, and which ones can't wait to give them away.

3 signs that know how to keep a secret


Scorpios are truly people you can count on to take your secrets to the grave - and beyond. Introspective, quiet and secretive, Scorpios will never spill your secrets (unless, of course, you spill theirs first!)


Like Scorpios, Pisces is a sensitive water sign that you can count on to treat your secrets as they treat theirs - with care and discretion. Known for being selfless. They can be strong empaths and have a hard time shaking off someone else's energy. They will process this energy by confessing in their journal or therapist. So if you don't want to burden them with secrets, keep them to yourself.


Leos are extremely loyal and trustworthy friends. They are sometimes wrongly described as self-obsessed, but in reality they are more interested in other people. And it is the people who keep them alive and motivate them. When a lion takes you under its wing, it will always protect you! Like Scorpios, Leos won't betray you if you don't betray their trust first.


3 Signs That Can't Keep Secrets


They are philosophers of astrology and deal less with facts and more with truth. They want to "get to the bottom" of everything. These lively, intense and charismatic people are known for their storytelling skills and love to exaggerate and escalate the drama. Be careful when you tell them something that should stay between you, because if your story is good enough for them, they can't help but share it with others.


Geminis are the gossips of astrology, so of course they absolutely cannot keep their mouths shut. Their ruling planet is Mercury – and all they want to do is communicate! Although they are the life of any party, they should not be included in the planning of any big surprise. It's not that we want to destroy it, but we want everyone to play by their rules.

A virgin

Virgo is also ruled by the communication planet Mercury. Like Pisces, Virgos often get involved in other people's lives. But while Pisces are often too selfless, Virgos are just the opposite – too selfish. If they will help you, you must work according to their rules. And if you resist their plan, they will take revenge on you and slander you to anyone who will listen.


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