
3 easy summer exercises for the hottest days

Even the most ardent gymnasts sometimes get tired from the summer heat and don't have the energy to exercise. If you still want to stay in motion, replace your activity with one of these 'lazy day workouts'.

There are many times during the summer the heat so intense, that implementation high-intensity exercises impractical. Many still want to stay in motion, but lack the strength, therefore, it is recommended to perform exercise with a lower intensity, the result of which will be almost the same. Try one of these replacements when 'lazy days' occur.



When you are unmotivated, sometimes it is moving your body slowly is a great way to gain energy. Let yours guide you breathing and movements, which must be adapted to your capabilities. Yoga is not simple, but you can adapt it. If you want to perform more demanding exercise, make your movement more dynamic. Anyway perform a less challenging sequence of exercises or use some starter poses to create your own.

A hike

A hike.
A hike.

There are outdoor activities more a necessity than a matter of individual decision, if you want a healthy body. Hiking is one of the activities with which you will withdraw from the everyday environment and get fresh air. The human body craves variety, so walking is a must unstable ground is good for developing ankle strength, balance and overall diversity in lower body muscle activity.
Find yourself a pleasant journey, tailored to your abilities. Nature is not only good for our body, but also for mental health.

Water activities

Water activities.
Water activities.

Exercising in the water is soothing and usually a few degrees cooler than on land. Find a kayak, canoe, boat and head out into the water, because if you don't do these activities regularly, the body felt the novelty of movement. These three activities will strengthen theas the core, the back and upper arm muscles will work. If you get tired, you do throw in the water and rest in it.

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