
3 mistakes you make in love and dating based on your astrological sign

"Your task is not to look for love, but only to look for and find all the obstacles within yourself that you have built against it." - Rumi

No one is perfect, especially when it comes to love and dating.

Look into the imperfection of astrological signs.


1. You are in too much of a hurry.
2. You expect people to run after you and fight for your attention.
3. Indulge in games.

You are energetic and excited when a new relationship begins. Indulge and fall in love too quickly. Try not to get completely carried away by your excitement. Take your time. You are confident, so act like it. If you give signs that you are unavailable, that someone is not interested in you (even though you are), you expect them to make an effort for you. Don't play games. Just be who you are.


1. You are constantly on the lookout.
2. You can't enjoy the moment because you're worried that sooner or later people will leave you.
3. You have trouble spotting your mistakes.

You can't let go of the pain that ex-partners have caused you in the past. He is afraid of you. People will try to break down those walls, but you are the only person who can do it. Stop worrying about everyone breaking your heart. Enjoy the moment and appreciate the love given to you by those who love and appreciate you.


1. You constantly wonder what else is out there and if you can find something better.
2. You are never sure if the person next to you is the right one.
3. You get bored quickly.

You are indecisive and busy wondering what else is out there instead of appreciating the person in front of you. People are not cars, you can't just trade them for something better. No one wants to feel like the second choice. Find someone who makes you feel happy and loved. A person who gives you what you want and need in a relationship. And when you find that person, stop looking for anything else, because you probably won't find it, you'll only hurt the ones you love.


1. You have problems if you are not in the safe circle of your loved ones.
2. You think too much about what others want for you and not enough about what you want for yourself.
3. You shut down.

Don't let new people into your circle of friends and family. They are your safe haven. You have problems trusting people you don't know and also trusting yourself. Think your friends and family are always what's best for you? What do you want from love?


1. You expect people to treat you like a king.
2. You don't focus enough on your partner.
3. When someone rejects you, you break down.

You are confident and love yourself, but when people don't give you everything you want, you are unhappy. Relationships are not only about receiving love, but also about giving it. You cannot expect your partner to give you everything and you will give them nothing in return. Rejections are a part of life. Don't let it make you feel unworthy of love. Not everyone likes you, but you deserve love regardless and you will eventually find it.

A virgin

1. You are too relentless with yourself.
2. You always think that you are to blame for the breakup or end of relationships.
3. You wonder if love is something you deserve.

You think a lot and sometimes you really overdo it. Your thoughts convince you that you cannot do anything right. That you are always the reason that your relationships fail and that no one will ever love you. They say you are not worthy of love. You are not the reason these relationships failed and someone will love you in all the ways you deserve to be loved because you are worth it.


1. You hesitate to date people who have different interests than you.
2. You're in a relationship because you're afraid of being alone.
3. You don't let your partner breathe, you want them to do everything together.

You're usually in a relationship because you don't want to be alone. It doesn't really matter who you date, as long as you're not alone. Is this really the right way? No. It's better to be alone than to be with someone who doesn't make you happy. Or worse, with someone who is holding you back from the life you always wanted. In the life you deserve.


1. You get jealous easily and it makes you look insecure.
2. You take a long time to trust people.
3. You don't like to open up to people and prefer to keep your secret to yourself.

You always wonder if they've been looking at that waiter, waitress for too long, or if they wish they were more like that model they follow on Instagram. Jealousy is a familiar feeling for you, and it makes you believe that the person you're dating thinks you're not enough. If they probably wouldn't be with you, would they? They are with you because they want to, don't let jealousy tell you otherwise.


1. You like to travel.
2. You see limitations in relationships.
3. You think everyone will cling to you.

You like to travel. You are curious. You are interested in the world. You think that if you're in a relationship, you won't be able to live the life you want. Trust that you will find someone who appreciates your lifestyle. Relationships don't always mean you have to settle down and stay in one place. Find someone who will have a relationship that suits you.


1. You think you're too busy for love.
2. You're indifferent about dating.
3. You don't give new people a fair chance.

You called love unimportant. You just can't find it. You have other things to worry about. And you don't even notice the people who would like to meet you. You're too busy to notice. A part of you knows that the reason why you don't put love first is that you are afraid that love or people disappointed.


1. You don't like it when people disagree with you.
2. You think all promises are empty.
3. You get bored quickly.

You are smart and independent, which makes you quickly bored around others. You assume that the people you're dating aren't interesting based on knowing them for five whole minutes. You're too quick to judge whether someone is right for you, and while it's great to have standards, you need to give people a chance to meet them.


1. You always feel like the connection isn't deep enough.
2. You want your love life to be a fairy tale.
3. You want to be serious too soon.

You only go on a date if the person intends to be with you long-term, but you can't know that right away. It takes time to get to know people and discover who they are. You tend to expect that if someone likes you and reciprocates your feelings, it means you'll be together forever. But real connections, relationships take more than just a moment.

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