
The 3 most common reasons men run away from a serious relationship

Photo: envato

Men and serious relationships - when will these two things finally harmonize? Despite the fact that many men decide to enter into a serious relationship, there are still those who run away from it like a monster. Why? The possibilities are endless from the fear of losing your freedom to the simple desire to keep your life free of obligations. So why do some men run away from a serious relationship?

Fear of serious relationships can be present in both sexes, but they are more common men run away from a serious relationship. The reasons for this can be very different and vary from individual to individual. Some of them men may be afraid loss of their freedom, and others do not want to take responsibility for another person. There are also those who fear failure and rejection and therefore they avoid serious relationships.

In addition, bad experiences from past relationships can also influence the fear of serious relationships. For example, if someone experienced a painful breakup in a previous relationship, they may fear it happening again and therefore avoid serious relationships.

It is also important to note that each individual has your way of life and your priorities. For some men, a serious relationship may mean too much compromise in their lifestyle and values, so they may avoid such relationships.

However, it is crucial to realize that successful relationships require cooperation and a willingness to compromise. If a man wants a serious relationship, he must be prepared for the fact that certain changes and compromises will be necessary. At the same time, the partner must be ready for the same cooperation and openness.

Fear of expressing emotions. Photo: Iinzmam Khan / Pexels

There are many reasons why men may decide that they do not want a serious relationship.

These are the three most common reasons:

Fear of commitment

Some men are simply afraid of commitment. They may have bad experiences from previous relationships that ended badly, or they may simply fear losing their freedom and independence if they commit. In such cases, men often run away from a serious relationship to avoid the potential pain it may bring.


Sometimes everything seems fine and then something comes up that reveals that the two partners are very different. This can manifest itself in different attitudes towards important issues such as children, religion, finances or the future. If the partners are too incompatible, the man may flee the relationship to avoid the stress and pain of resolving these differing views.

Fear of vulnerability

Often men do not want to be vulnerable and open up, which is important for the development of a serious relationship. Men are often taught to be tough and not show emotion, but that doesn't work in real life. When it comes to a serious relationship, however, men can be afraid to lose their toughness and open up, which can lead them to avoid commitment and a serious relationship.

He wants to be enough for himself. Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

In addition to the reasons mentioned, there are many other factors that can contribute to men running away from a serious relationship. Some men can be afraid loss of their freedom and independence and believe that in a relationship they will lose their identity and have to give up their hobbies and interests. Others may fear that in a relationship they will lose touch with friends and family and that they will have to spend more time with their partner than they would like.

Some men do they fear closeness and intimacy, which are common in a serious relationship. Closeness and intimacy can involve revealing your feelings, vulnerabilities and personal belongings, which some men find scary or uncomfortable. Some men may also fear that they will lose their decision-making independence in a relationship and that they will have to take into account the wishes and needs of their partner at all times.

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