
3 phrases narcissists use to keep you around

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Manipulation is his way of keeping you around! Manipulators are extremely sophisticated creatures that are difficult to recognize. They hide behind the contours of endless understanding, silent support and inspire us with their energy.

People with narcissistic personality disorder they constantly strive to be the center of attention, they demand your devotion to them, but they don't give much in return or they give you illusion, deception and disappointment. A romantic relationship with such a person can easily turn toxic, especially if you are an empathetic and sensitive soul who gives your heart completely.


Once you catch a narcissist in a lie or deception, they will begin to use skillful manipulation tactics to keep you around. They often place the blame on others or on you, which can negatively affect your energy, mood and health until you realize it's all just an illusion.

Here are the 3 phrases narcissists use most often to keep you around.

1. It's not my fault (you are)

Postponing feelings of guilt is something that narcissists are good at using. If something goes wrong in the relationship, the narcissist will never admit their mistakes and will place the blame on their partner. He will try to convince you that all the problems are your fault. Because of this, the victim of manipulation mostly wonders if he made a mistake, falls into depression and his self-esteem collapses. When something like this happens, the most important thing is to not back down and fight for yourself.


2. No one will love you but me

This is a verbal bait that a narcissist uses to keep their partner down. It convinces the victim that she is not good enough, that she is unworthy or unattractive, that no one else will love her. So the person stays with the narcissist and thinks they don't deserve anything better, loses all hope and despairs. The victim of a manipulative narcissist faces low self-esteem and refuses to fight and change because he doubts his qualities. There is also a fear of loneliness, and then, despite the toxic energy, he remains in a bad relationship.


3. I didn't say that, you're imagining things

When something does not go according to the narcissist's plan, he will impose an opinion on his partner and skillfully insert him into an enigma. This is his way of "brainwashing" and convincing the victim otherwise. When a narcissist utters such a phrase, he is trying to convince the interlocutor that something is wrong with him. If such behavior continues for a long time, the victim of manipulation may face depression and low self-esteem.

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