
3 things we block ourselves from abundance

Photo: Anastasiya Llobanovskaya / Unsplash

It is hard to believe that we block the energy of abundance with our thoughts. We live in a world of scarcity and we are constantly surrounded by messages that there is not enough money for any luxury, that it is necessary to save and plan in advance for the most ordinary things. This story is so compelling because most people around you are living it. What if it's just a story?

Nature in its pure form is wealth and abundance. When the abundance of our life does not arise spontaneously, then something in us is not in harmony with nature. On a personal level, this can be the result of limited belief and programming that we depend on from our upbringing and the environment in which we live.

We attract what we are energetically aligned with. Abundance is only part of your physical reality if it is first accepted in your inner reality.

Let's look at the most common ways we block abundance.

Not accepting compliments and praise

Are you uncomfortable when you are complimented? Do you ignore or gloss over something that diminishes or rationalizes the praise you've received, or refuse to accept any praise at all because you feel you don't deserve it? With this attitude, you block abundance.

Celebrate every victory, no matter how small. Photo: Duncan Shaffer/Unsplash

Develop a strategy for accepting compliments and gifts and repeat it until you accept it and feel comfortable with it. When someone compliments your work, instead of saying it's nothing, simply say “thank you”, smile and realize that it's something because it's unique and yours!

Someone else could try to do the same thing and fail to do it the way you did.

Don't take your gift or gifts for granted - for you, your work is natural and normal, so you don't think it's anything special. It is!

It doesn't matter how much time, work or effort you put into your work, appreciate it. By doing this, you open the way to abundance, which you block by not appreciating what others recognize and appreciate in you.

You don't celebrate small victories

Celebrations are reserved for big wins and milestones. Little things go without saying. Of course you made coffee this morning, because you have electricity, a coffee machine, and other everyday conveniences you're used to.

Take some time to feel gratitude for miracles like the water running when you turn on the faucet, turn on the light, talk on the phone or online with people who are far away.

Everything is at your fingertips, there is a lot of information at your disposal, you can discover and have everything at the touch of a button. Give thanks for that.

Pick up a coin you saw on the road and feel gratitude as if a nugget of gold had fallen from the sky - the universe is giving you signs, and the coin is a sign of abundance. Accept it with gratitude and joy, with the same emotions with which you would accept a pot of gold.

Pick up the money you see on the floor. Photo: Jizhidexiaohailang / Unsplash

Abundance relates to all aspects of your life, sometimes showing up in very subtle ways

For example, your work was published and exhibited but did not sell. These are all delays that make you see how far you've come. What have you done to get this far and what are your limitations?

From these experiences, you will learn what to do to succeed next time. This is also an opportunity to praise yourself for the success you have achieved and see it as a prediction for the next opportunity.

Let's say you ended a toxic relationship and decided to change your life and end this form of emotional dependence - and you will emerge a different person from your previous partners. This or the next relationship will be closer to the goal, and you will learn to recognize and appreciate people with whom you can have stable and healthy relationships, different from those you know.

Be happy! Photo: Mert Guller / Unsplash

The universe is responding to your vibrations, giving you back and encouraging you - or stopping you and telling you clearly that you too need to stop and think so that your cosmic transmitter will be better tuned to the frequency of abundance - material, spiritual, emotional.

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