
3 tips for new electric vehicle drivers – you need to know in 2025

So you don't have to google "nearest working charging station" in the middle of the countryside with 2 % batteries

nasveti za novopečene voznike električnih vozil
Photo: envato elements

Useful and valuable tips for new electric vehicle drivers! Driving an electric vehicle is no longer an exotic specialty for tech enthusiasts and hipster environmentalists – today it is an increasingly mainstream experience that combines silence, power, style and... a new set of rules. Switching from a fossil-fuel engine to an electric motor is like moving from a small studio apartment to a smart penthouse – the space is the same, but the buttons are completely different. And because we know that the first contact with e-mobility can be a little intimidating (yes, those connectors sometimes really do seem like they are from another galaxy), we have prepared three key tips to make your electric start easier.

Simply put – electric vehicles are not spaceships, even though they sometimes look and feel like they’re in a vacuum. But they are a little different from what you’re used to with gasoline under the hood. There’s no more classic “I’ll go to the gas station and be back in five minutes” scenario. Planning, smart use of technology and a bit of flexibility play a big role here. The good news? It all quickly becomes routine – and even enjoyable. These are useful and valuable tips for new electric vehicle drivers!

1. Trust proven – and working – charging networks

The first thing every EV newbie realizes? That not all charging stations are created equal. Some greet you with lightning speed and a sleek user experience. Others… leave you pondering the meaning of life while you watch 1 % charge in 10 minutes.

For worry-free charging, choose networks that have already proven their worth. Ionity is one such example – robust infrastructure, solid coverage and above all: it works. An alternative that is increasingly appreciated by non-Tesla drivers is Tesla Supercharger network. Yes, Tesla may not have everything right (remember the “unbreakable” glass of the Cybertruck), but charging stations? They really are masters at this. Fast, easy, accessible.

So if you don't want to find yourself in the middle of the woods at midnight when the app says "connection error," stick to the proven one. This is one of the most useful tips for new electric vehicle drivers.

2. Fast chargers are not gas stations – aim for 80 %

Charging an EV is not a sprint, but more of a marathon with tactical sections. And one of those tactical moments is deciding when to stop charging. At fast chargers, most vehicles 80 % charges quite quickly, but then things slow down. And not a little. It can take almost as long for the last 20 % as for the first 80 %.

In other words – if you want to sit down for a coffee, it should be because you deserve it, not because you're waiting for 97 %. So, charge smart - up to 80 %, continue your journey and leave the cable to someone else. Bonus? Less waiting and more movement. And yes, the environment will thank you too – charging in the optimal range is kinder to the battery. At the same time, you only charge as much as you need to get home and no more. This can even mean just a 5-minute stop – and no more.

3. Don't panic at 9 % - you're not in Mad Max yet - tips for new electric vehicle drivers

Unlike classic vehicles, where the fuel needle starts flashing like a Christmas tree at a quarter, electric vehicles can estimate the remaining range very accurately. And no, with 10 % you are not even close to electric Armageddon. Many vehicles with larger batteries still have 40, 50 kilometers in reserve at this number. Enough to find the next station without worry or land at home on a familiar outlet.

So when you see single digits, don't call grandma to say goodbye. Instead, use navigation – most modern EVs already include it. route optimization with included charging stations, which take into account the conditions, the terrain and even your driving style. Yes, your driving style. So if you are a little more “dynamic” on the gas… sorry, electric… the car will know that too.

Conclusion: Recharging life

Driving an electric vehicle is more than just a transition into a new era of mobility – it's a change in your attitude towards travel, energy and the rhythm of everyday life. With the right habits, reliable charging stations and a healthy dose of trust in technology, you'll soon be driving as confidently as if you were born with a cable instead of an umbilical cord.

Let these tips make your first miles in the electric world easier. And remember – charging is not the end of the journey, it’s just a stop for an espresso.

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