
3 tricks to get rid of wrinkled clothes without ironing

Photo: Envato

Did you know there are tricks that can save you from ironing? Have you tried the ice and aluminum foil trick?

Ironing laundry is one of the most hated household chores for many people (especially when a pile of clean laundry piles up).

We present to you some tricks that can make this job easier and get rid of a crumpled wardrobe, and you won't believe it, you don't need expensive accessories!

So try these three tricks to save you from crumpled clothes.


It's quite simple. All you have to do is take three ice cubes and add them to the dryer. Add laundry and dry on high. After a few minutes, the laundry will be wrinkle-free.

The secret is that the ice melts and the high temperature creates steam that straightens the clothes as if you were ironing them with a steam iron.

But never fill the dryer to the top. Put only two items of clothing in the machine at a time to achieve this effect and take it out of the dryer immediately after drying.

Ah, that ironing. Photo: Cottonbro / Pexels

Aluminum foil

Add three to four aluminum balls to the dryer. Make them yourself. All you need is aluminum foil, which you crumple up to the size of a tennis ball.

The beads ensure that static electricity is created in the dryer, which prevents the formation of wrinkles.

Also try the following trick. Place a layer of aluminum foil under the iron cover. It is important that the shiny side is facing up. This will reflect the temperature and simplify ironing.

The laundry will be smoother and softer. Aluminum beads are said to be a good alternative to emollient, which is good for all those with more sensitive skin.


If you don't like ironing, spray the washed clothes while they are still damp with a mixture of vinegar and water in a ratio of 1:3. Then shake them well and air dry.

Who still needs an iron?

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