
33 stunning photos of space that make us so small

Albert Einstein said: "Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, but I'm not quite sure about the universe." little one. Even our planet, Earth, is only a fragment in this magnificent mosaic, the image of which allows us to see on an ever-increasing scale through satellites, telescopes and probes.

When night falls let's look at the sky sprinkled with stars, it's like letting your imagination run wild. That's when our spirituality comes to the fore, that's when everything here on Earth seems like that insignificant and small. And in fact, when we look at it more broadly, this is where the illusion of our (omni)power bursts like a soap bubble.

READ MORE: The 20 Best Space Movies of All Time

Look up at the sky and no problem will seem so big anymore.
Look up at the sky and no problem will seem so big anymore.
And another piece of advice. There are too many people living in the world who take it for granted something self-evident. We are guests here. Earth we don't own it. And just as it is logical not to trash a hotel room before departure, we must be equally, if not more, responsible to our common home. Not that our descendants can go anywhere else.

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