
The most beautiful libraries in the world, whose mighty architecture will not leave you indifferent

Stiftsbibliothek Admont, Austria

For thousands of years, people have built extravagant temples of knowledge in which to store humanity's most precious and important things. From the mighty courtyards of ancient Alexandria to the library in New York, our fascination with libraries spans more than two millennia.

If you library it's not a nice place, you will definitely fall in love with it after looking at the stunning photos libraries around the world, whose mighty the architecture will leave you speechless. In a new book he published Taschen, Italian photographer Massimo Listri, visits some the oldest and most famous libraries in the world and captures cinematic beauty spaces into the lens.

A traveler's pilgrimage takes him through spiral staircases, large wooden door and corridors - among the medieval, classical libraries, it also captures the libraries that were created in baroque and Rococo, which in the book present in detail. Each photo is accompanied by a text that provides adequate historical context.

Stunning beauty libraries captured in the lens can be viewed in picture gallery.

Picture gallery - The most beautiful libraries in the world

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