
360-degree iPhone camera Nano S: virtual reality on your iPhone

Nano S 360-degree iPhone camera.

Have you ever wondered what your iPhone lacks to be truly admirable? We think we've found the answer. With the Nano S 360-degree iPhone camera, your phone will be able to display virtual reality.

Nano S 360-degree iPhone camera, produced by the company Insta360, connects to your phone via the lightning connector. It allows you to record videos in 360-degree field of view and  4K resolution.

The device is capable creating photos with a resolution of 20 MP. In the 360-degree mode, you will be able to record yourself even at live chat with your friends.

The camera is made of alloy aluminum and zinc, so it is resistant to light falls. It is compatible with all Apple models from iPhone 6 onwards.

It is available to you via the online store Insta360 and through Amazon

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