
4 actions that kill the potential of a good relationship

4 actions that kill the potential of a good relationship

A relationship doesn't grow by itself, and if you sabotage it without realizing it, a fantasy bond will begin to form between you that is only in your head, and the relationship will actually deteriorate. This can often happen because of your belief, impulsiveness and blindness that everything is the other person's fault. No, you are too, so think about your actions, get a hold of yourself and stop doing things that kill the potential of a good relationship day in and day out.

At the beginning of the relationship, life is magical, but things change when the first dark cloud obscures the sun and they begin to face constant disagreements and quarrels. You wonder what to do to make things better and why things keep repeating themselves, but you can't find an answer. Think about what you're doing, because it might be you the source of the problem.

Before you realize which actions kill the potential of a good partner relationship, we advise you to start acting proactively – change yourself, your actions and your attitude towards your partner. And things will get better, believe me!

Your partner is self-evident.

It is normal for you to get used to each other after several years in a relationship. However, this should not mean that you perceive your own partner like taken for granted. This is how you express yourself disrespect and you make it feel like it's not worth the effort because your partner will be by your side forever anyway. This creates tension between the two of you without you even realizing it. You otherwise feel fine because you think you're behaving normally, partner well suffers.

Your partner is self-evident.
Your partner is self-evident.

Tip: Show him that his opinion matters to you. Show love with small gestures, because that way he will feel that you are trying and fighting for him. And your relationship is not just a habit.

You're jealous.

Where is the line between healthy jealousy and destructive behavior that destroys both of your lives? If healthy jealousy is about showing your partner that you care every now and then, then you can be guilt-free. If with your own jealousy you interfere with your partner's personality, change it, adapt it and slowly destroy it, you have to stop now!

Tip: Ask yourself why you are jealous and insecure. Do you want to keep feeling this way? Unfortunately, it will take a long time to change, but start working on your self-esteem and confidence today, or your relationship will be nothing but a bad memory.

You are cheating on him emotionally.

If a person you are cheating emotionally, you almost ruined the relationship. And why does this happen? If you get bored 'at home' and don't get what you want, you are tempted and your 'eyes' start to look more closely at other single people who seem to be doing everything you need. And that's a lot dangerous!

When you allow a certain person to enter your life, you will automatically forget about your partner, you will become cold and lost interest. You may think your behavior isn't dangerous, but you probably know that people in relationships don't cheat. And you can do that it comes very fast.

You are cheating on him emotionally.
You are cheating on him emotionally.

Tip: Focus on your partner! Tell him what you want from him. Show him that you mean it, because he needs to understand that you have needs that will probably be met by someone else if he has no intention of meeting them.

You react aggressively and do not want to resolve disagreements.

Communication is key to a healthy relationship. The moment they create fantasy bond (you believe that you are related, but your relationship is falling apart), you are no longer ready to have a reasonable conversation. You become aggressive and you respond impulsively to every comment from your partner in order to silence him. By behaving like this, you are telling your partner that you are not interested. what does he have to say.

Tip: Try to find where the core of the problem is. Listen to your partner and ask yourself if what your partner is telling you is true. Don't react to every comment impulsively, but think before you say anything. Think about his feelings too.

Work on yourself, change your actions and attitude towards your partner. And things will get better.
Work on yourself, change your actions and attitude towards your partner. And things will get better.

We have only highlighted some actions, which kill the potential of a good partnership, but the list of things you must not do is long. Above all, we advise you to consider whether you are grateful, because you have such a relationship, are you getting away with it sexuality, you are constantly in a bad mood and you complain ... All these can be signs that the relationship is declared and that it is time for a concrete conversation!

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