
4 astrological signs that find love difficult

Photo: Olya Kobruseva - Pexels

How can you help them?

Some astrological signs give more to others than themselves and need someone to remind them not to forget about themselves.

Let's see what such astrological signs are.

1. Virgo

Virgos are known to be critical of others, but they are even more critical of themselves. They always strive to fix things that go wrong, which can also mean they strive to find problems. They hold themselves to a high standard, which is often unrealistic. When they don't achieve it, they feel like they'll never succeed. They like to be in control and will blame themselves for things that are out of their control, despite logically admitting that they are beyond their control.

How you can help them: if you have a virgo in your life, reassure them that even though not everything is under their control, there is nothing wrong with that. Encourage them when they reach a goal, let them know that you see their effort and good work. When they start talking about how bad things are, allow them to confess, but at the same time don't hesitate to remind them of all the good sides.

2. Capricorn

Like Virgos, Capricorns like to be in control of everything around them. They are very diligent and hardworking, but often push themselves beyond their limits. They tend to align their self-worth with success in all areas of life, so if they feel like they're not doing so well in one area, they don't have a good opinion of themselves. They invest their value in their achievements and hold themselves to very high standards. They tend to be on the more pessimistic side to avoid disappointment, although this often leads to a negative view of themselves and the good things that happen to them.

How you can help them: if you have a capricorn in your life, when you notice their accomplishments, let them know what you like about them - all the things, not just the ones related to success. They will never ask for help because we don't believe they will ever need it. But still, let them know you're there for them if they ever need you. Remind them that they are more than their success. Support them, but don't challenge them. Encourage them to take a break every now and then, and that it doesn't make them weak.

3. Scorpio

Scorpios have trust issues. They usually claim to be able to depend on themselves and exude a great deal of confidence. Their lack of trust in others reflects a lack of trust in themselves. They will call people to account when they do something wrong, but they will secretly wonder if they are the reason it actually happened. They will always be available for others, but not for themselves. They build walls around themselves to prevent anyone from getting to know them better because they think no one can truly love them for who they are.

How you can help them: if you have a scorpio in your life, then you need a lot of patience. It can take a long time for a scorpion to open up, and it rarely opens up, and even then, it's always on the prowl. They may make fun of you sometimes, but just remind them that you don't want to hurt them and that you care about them. But only tell them this if you really mean it and will actually be there for them. Encourage them to show you their vulnerability and never forget what a wonderful person they are.

4. Fish

Pisces will do their best to always be available to everyone but themselves. They tend to believe that their problems and feelings do not count, that they are not as important as everyone else. They are selfless friends, but sometimes their attention to others can be annoying. They often gravitate towards partners and friends who are very lavish in their praise and affection. They forget that they don't need validation from others, that they need to learn to accept the fact that they are enough for themselves. And above all, that they must love themselves.

How you can help them: if you have a fish in your life, pay attention to the signals they give off. If they seem to be having a bad day, encourage them to talk to you about it. If they try to pull away, gently remind them that you are there for them no matter what and no matter what they tell you. Listen to them and offer your support.

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