
4 astrological signs that will break up with their partners in October: When it seems that it's over, there's a new beginning

Photo: envato

Planetary influences will trigger tensions that may lead to painful but necessary breakups. The changes brought by the stars will greatly affect the dynamics in partner relationships, so some signs will have to face the reality of their love stories - they can expect breakups.

A breakup can be a lesson. The question is whether these separations will be the beginning of something better or just the end of the old.

In astrology, certain periods are marked by more intense upheavals that force us to test the limits of our relationships. October 2024 will be a time of significant changes for certain zodiac signs, especially in the field of love.

These changes will mostly show up in form breakups and emotional trials, which will be painful at first glance, but necessary for personal growth and development.

Cosmic forces such as the influences of the planets Uranus, Pluto and Neptune, will have a decisive influence on some individuals, who will be forced to air out their love ties and face the truth that they may have pushed aside for a long time.

Photo: envato

What signs can expect breakups in October?


Taurus will be strongly influenced by cosmic energies, which will greatly affect their relationships. Uranus, which is known for unexpected changes, will create tensions that they will not be able to ignore. In addition, the opposition between Mars and Venus will increase the sense of frustration in their relationships. Although Tauruses are usually loyal and devoted partners, these difficult energies will bring turmoil and rift between them and their partners.

Many will be forced to move away from unhealthy relationships as they feel the need to focus on their emotional health. This break, although painful, will give them a more harmonious start in the future.


They are naturally known for their strong passion and intensity in love. However, in October, the square between the Sun and Saturn will force them to face limitations and dissatisfaction in their relationships. This influence will make them feel that their relationships have become too difficult and no longer support their personal development.

Although breakups will be extremely painful, this process will be inevitable, as it will allow freedom from bonds that no longer fulfill them. The stars will favor them in finding new goals and inner strength, which will contribute to their personal growth.

Photo: envato


In October 2024, they will experience intense emotional turmoil caused by Pluto, the planet of transformation. This influence will make Scorpios face the truth that has been simmering under the surface of their relationships for a long time. Toxic relationships and tensions will come to a head, resulting in difficult but necessary breakups.

Although many will feel that their relationships are destroyed, these changes will allow room for growth and health in the future. Once they let go of the past, they will be ready for more fulfilling relationships.


At the end of October, they will be forced to face the reality of their love relationships. Neptune retrograde will dispel illusions they may have lived in for a long time and offer them a clear insight into the true state of their relationship.

Pisces, who have been running away from the truth, will finally have to accept the facts, which may lead to rifts. Although this process will be painful, it will bring them inner peace and liberation, allowing them to step into a brighter future free of old burdens.

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