
4 clear signs that your child misses his father very much

Even if in modern society both parents are approximately equally involved in the child's life, the role of the mother is still indispensable. What are the obvious signs that the child needs more time with the father?

The father's role in the child's life it is not important only because of love and emotional security, but should help with cognitive and social development. Even if they are studies showed that modern parents spend twice as much time with their children, as his parents used to live 1965, are still mothers number one in and with the child's life they spend much more time in one day, even if they have many other obligations.

And science says that children who spend little time with their fathers are said to be less successful, they break the law more often, they like risky sex, probability, that they will become homeless is greater, more are prone to obesity, have more psychological problems and higher IQ … All this indicates that it is father's role more important, as some may think!

1. The child asks you about the father

Until a certain age, children cannot understand why certain people are involved in their lives. As they grow up, their relationship, specifically with their father, begins to change - they are afraid of being separated from their small circle of people, so every time their father is absent, they will sense it and feel the need to do things with him, which you can also do with your mother. Because the mother is so involved in the child's life, he understands why she is absent and knows that she will return to him. In the case of the absence of the father, however, this rule does not apply, as the children are not sure whether they will see him again, experts say.

The child asks you about the father.

2. Modern technologies in the role of parents?

It has happened to every parent that they only managed to calm their child by putting a smartphone in their hands or showing them a cartoon on TV. Even if this kind of parenting practice is wrong for many professionals, it can be a solution in moments when you have many obligations that you cannot fulfill because of the child. But it shouldn't be a habit, experts say! Children between the ages of two and five should only spend one quality hour in front of a screen, but the average shows that they spend more than three hours a day.

It is quite understandable that both parents are involved in the labor market, so it is difficult to maintain a balance between the business and home environment. Sometimes this can be exhausting for mothers because they no longer have time for themselves and their needs. If your responsibilities also do not allow you to take a breather, it is time for the father to enter the game, who can stimulate the imagination and cognitive abilities of the little one by playing with the child.

The child spends too much time in front of the screen.

3. The child is angry and has tantrums

Anger, anxiety, outbursts... according to experts, can be present due to the father's absence. If he spends less time with the child than usual, the little one detects a change that derails him, because children like routine and any difference frustrates them. If possible, it would be good for the father to adjust his schedule so that he meets the child at the same time every day, experts say.

The child is angry and has tantrums.

4. The child does not have a favorite activity with the father.

It is not a rule, but in most cases the father is the funnier parent with whom the child does interesting things, while mothers are responsible for consistent upbringing and behavior. Science has also confirmed that mothers are more attentive when raising a child, which means that they will encourage only those behaviors that are acceptable to them. Fathers, on the other hand, encourage children to be creative, adventurous and adaptable. And such activities teach them what is good for them and what is not.

The child does not have a favorite activity with the father.
The child does not have a favorite activity with the father.

Women who raise children independently, without the help of the father, should not be worse off, experts say. Their children can also reach milestones in life, because they can have positive men in the child's life: mother's friends, brothers, father... who will willingly spend time with the child for his well-being.

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