
4 easy ways to lose weight after 40!

Losing weight is harder when you're 40 and over!

Photo: envato

Have you suddenly gained weight? And the kilos just don't want to disappear? Have you stepped into your forties? After the age of forty, your metabolism slows down significantly, if you have started to put on weight, the reason may be a slowed metabolism, but also genetics or lifestyle.

A record that will give you many answers on how to start losing weight - losing weight - after 40 years, when the metabolism works a little differently than you would like!

Why is it so hard to lose weight after forty?

How to lose weight after 40?!

Metabolism does not necessarily slow down in menopausal women, which means that hormonal imbalance is not a 100% factor in weight gain.

Here are some reasons:

  • …Reduced muscle mass (sit a lot and move little)
  • …Excess calories (eating industrially processed food)
  • ...Lack of antioxidants, dietary fiber, vitamins, healthy fats (omega-3) in the diet.
  • …Insulin resistance.
  • …Constant stress / depression.
  • ...Use of many medications (antidepressants) that cause weight gain.
Diet! Photo: Stevepb / Pixabay

Let's see how you can lose extra pounds.

1. Food Protocol

You need to take your food and calorie choices seriously. A food diary will help you visualize the nutritional picture.

In order not to gain weight after the age of 40, it is useful to choose a low-calorie diet with a high percentage of nutrients.


Exclude processed and high-calorie foods from the menu (sweets, chips, fried, processed meat, semi-finished products, drinks containing sugar). Opt for foods without sugar, food additives and fats.

Eat foods with a high concentration of dietary fiber (vegetables, fruits, legumes, soups, whole grains). Include protein (fish, yogurt, legumes) in every meal.

Another option is a low-carb diet with an emphasis on protein and healthy fats (the ketogenic diet).

Portion size control. Practice intermittent fasting (refusing food for 13-16 hours a day and eating only the remaining hours).

2. Eat at home

It is useful to dedicate a few hours a week to food and food preparation. This will help prevent eating out, unwanted snacks.

You can cook on weekends. If you don't have time, you can always chop fruits and vegetables and store them in the refrigerator.

3. Physical activity

Maintaining muscle mass and mobility is very important. After 40, vigorous exercise may not be for everyone, but walking, running, strength training, swimming and cycling are good options for physical activity.

Healthy food. Photo: Stevepb / Pixabay

It is beneficial to combine aerobic and resistance exercises every day. This combination is good for muscle growth, heart, metabolism, brain and immune system.

Strength/resistance training is most effective for maintaining a healthy metabolism, as energy is needed to build muscle.

Reduce the amount of time spent in a sedentary lifestyle.

4. Healthy sleep and stress management

Lack of sleep affects hormones and is linked to the risk of obesity and diabetes.

Constant stress contributes to weight gain, as it increases the synthesis of the hormone cortisol (which causes appetite and the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area).

How to overcome stress and improve sleep:

You need enough sleep! Photo: Ketut Subiyanto / Pexels
  • …Sleep 7-9 hours a day.
  • …Try to go to bed at the same time. This will help establish the circadian rhythm involved in metabolism. Turn off all digital devices at night so that the emitted blue light does not disturb you.
  • …Practice breathing exercises, meditation, reading, journaling, communicating with nature. It helps to relax and improve sleep.
  • …Limit caffeine and alcohol use, especially in the evening.
  • …Ensure exposure to sunlight during the day. It normalizes the circadian rhythm and supplies the body with vitamin D.

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