
4. Garage sale in Park Tabor

Park Tabor will be happy again this Saturday, because from 10 am to 6 pm we will be able to happily bargain, exchange, sell and above all socialize. You are invited to Park Tabor for the 4th Garage Sale!

Important information
Park Tabor
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Registration fee for sellers: €5/€10

Next Saturday will be spent in a pleasant summer atmosphere, as we will have fun from morning to evening with good music, food and drink, and certainly also in good company. The day is approaching again, when things that have been gathering dust in garages, basements and attics for too long will have the opportunity to find a new owner. If we have things at home that deserve a new owner who would treat them better, we can register via e-mail: park.tabor@gmail.com. For 10 euros you can reserve a sales table, and for just 5 euros you can get a space on the floor where you can arrange your items in the pleasant shade of the trees.

A dreamy Saturday atmosphere in the Park
A dreamy Saturday atmosphere in the Park

In addition to the garage sale, this time Tabor Park will also host a workshop of the National Museum of Slovenia with the title What do hieroglyphic writings tell?. The workshop is free and suitable for children from the age of 4. We can join anytime. At the same time, it will also roller skating workshop, which is organized by Essays. The rental of roller skates, which will be provided by the Esemes girls, will be free for children and adults. Let's roll back to the nostalgic carefreeness of childhood! Masters of Thai food from the restaurant will cook for us Chutys.

See you in the Park!

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