
4 habits that, according to experts, will help you live long and happily

As far as we know, there is no fountain of youth or magic wand to grant us eternal life, either on Earth or in the wider universe. But there are some habits with which you can enter a better tomorrow. What you do today, your body will thank you tomorrow.

You might not make it 100th birthday, but a new study, published in the journal Science, shows that when once reach 105, your chances of survival are 50% every day. It seems that there is a 50 percent chance of survival at each stage of life, but this is not supposed to be true. In the research on mortality and long life people write that the death rate of a person increases exponentially until about age 80, and then starts to decrease. Once you reach 105, the rate the lowest.

If you want to to experience these years and still live a happy life, take care of your own body, mind and spirit with these four things. The good news is that you can bring them into yours daily routine.

Never avoid movement.

Be physically active.
Be physically active.

The birds on the tree are already chirping about how important she is physical activity. Even if it means getting up at work and doing 10 squats or a lap around the building, movement always takes precedence over sitting, which is not good for our bodies. They are between years research showed strong the association between a sedentary lifestyle and a higher risk of death. Carrie Schmitz, who specializes in ergonomics and well-being research, writes that it's crucial to find ways to move throughout the day to reduce your risk of early mortality. Exchanging one hour of sitting for an activity such as walking can help reduce mortality, he adds.

In a study published in British Journal of Sports Medicine, note that you will with every hour of sitting lifetime reduced by 22 minutes. The stairs instead of the elevator are probably worth the effort, right?

Remember why you are grateful.

Think about the things you are grateful for each day.
Think about the things you are grateful for each day.

Susan Rose, Happiness Coach, says that the way you will enjoy each day is cultivating true gratitude. There are many ways to be happy, but the best is to write a list of everything you are grateful for in the morning. Easier said than done? If you can't write, at least remember one thing you're grateful for, when you wake up in the morning and imagine how much more positive your day will be.

Laugh until your whole body hurts.

Laugh until you cry.
Laugh until you cry.

Laughter can actually prolong your existence here on Earth. According to opinion Mark Occhipintia, fitness expert, this is because laughter helps lower blood pressure and heart rate. In the long run, this can help you live a longer and happier life.

A 15-year Norwegian study, published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, showed that they have people with a sense of humor have a better chance of living a long and healthy life, from those who laugh less.

Spend time with the ones you love.

Spend time with the people you love.
Spend time with the people you love.

Weekly family gatherings make them your priority, says Sheina Schochet, a mental health counselor. Don't forget to spend time with the people you love and those who love you, as this can prolong your life. After to Harvard Health the lack of strong, close connections can increase the risk of premature death by as much as 50 percent. Take advantage of the time and create as many amazing memories as possible, while extending your lifespan.

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