
4-leaf clover brings good luck: what does it mean if you find a clover with several leaves?

A 4-leaf clover brings good luck: what does it mean if you find a multi-leaf clover?

If you have ever seen a 4-leaf clover in your life, you are very lucky. But what then applies to those whose path was crossed by a clover with five, six or nine leaves?

Shamrocks with more than three leaves are rare and the odds of finding one are 1 in 10,000 - there are also many beliefs associated with them, the most recognizable being that A 4-leaf clover brings luck to the finder.

How often do you find it?
How often do you find it?

Beliefs associated with clovers are said to date back to ancient times creation of the world. Eva is supposed to peel the 4-leaf clover, which she took with her as a souvenir from Garden of Eden. In medieval tradition, shamrocks are said to enable the finder to he sees fairies and experiences incredible power. Saint Patrick is said to have used them as teaching material, with which he explained Christianity to the people in a popular way: one sheet represented Father, second A son, the third of the Holy Spirit – all three on the fourth leaf God.

Four-leaf clovers are rare and even today it is not entirely clear, what happens to grow a fourth leaf. Researchers say that it is probably a mutation of the gene that cannot be suppressed.

Many folk beliefs are associated with clovers.
Many folk beliefs are associated with clovers.

Luck is not only brought by shamrocks 4, but also with 6, 8 and 9 leaves. More leaves according to some beliefs, it should also mean more luck, namely they should bring faith, hope, love, money and luck. However, if you come across a clover s 5 or 7 leaves, you must get rid of them because they are said to cause misfortune.

At the same time, it should be emphasized that it should bring more happiness clover, which you find randomly, so it makes no sense to search for it purposefully. When you find your lucky clover, yo tear it off and wrap in a silk handkerchief. Take it with you everywhere, but don't talk about it with anyone.

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