
4 main reasons you haven't found love on dating apps yet

Experts note

Photo: envato

In the modern world, it seems that new acquaintances are easy and that love is waiting for us just a few clicks away. Dating apps are becoming more and more popular, and among the huge number of different profiles, everyone can find someone who, at least at first glance, looks like the perfect candidate for a partner. And yet - there are many who want love, but cannot find it in any way. We checked how the experts see it and what are the 4 main reasons you haven't found love yet.

1. You want an ego boost instead of a deep connection

Research shows that it is the truth sometimes far from pleasant. If you feel like you can't find love, it's important to be with yourself sincere and explore the main causes, why meet someone on a dating app anyway you start talking– attracts you person or attention?
If you have admitted to yourself that you enjoy a sense of validation, don't worry. That doesn't mean you're a bad person, because you totally are humanly, that we wish the rest of us they accept and mark for attractive. However, with this approach, you will find the right one harder: it is true that it is difficult to get through the Internet a deep performance about people, but still. If you feel that someone he's not your type and to be with him for any reason you don't see, then don't swipe right or hit like. A sense of validation that lasts a few seconds, namely not at all it's not worth it later disappointments.

We all want to feel attractive, but dating apps aren't the way to do it Photo: Antoni Shkraba / Pexels

2. The abundance of options makes you picky

By making them yours standards high, it is not nothing wrong- opposite. It is important that before looking for love, whether it is through the Internet or in person, you find out what do you want on the partner and not from that you deviate. What the experts are pointing out is pickiness, which has nothing to do with yours original standards and values.
Research shows that when we feel that they are ours the possibilities are endless and that just a few clicks away, someone who is is waiting for us "better" we become from the person standing next to us pay attention to every "mistake". Instead of worked on the relationship and tried resolve the misunderstanding, we rather decide to descend into a new relationship. Stop. You should be aware that nobody is perfect and that they are necessary for every relationship compromises and work. Ob bad feelings first ask yourself if they actually come from you incompatibilities or you want a relationship that you don't need to be in make an effort.

3. You see online dating as a game

Dating apps allow us to introduce ourselves to the most beautiful lights. That is, if you count yourself among the more shy ones, a lot useful, as you will not have to do your "presentation" live. But be careful. Instant gratification, which our brain receives through confirmation, can lead to us starting online dating perceived as a game. It's too soon to find out how we should do it behave and to look, that we will attracted as many people as possible and in fear of rejection it is difficult to deviate from this. Stop it.
V relationship you want to get down with the person who will be you knew and accepted exactly as you are. This does not mean that in the first conversation or to reveal the darkest moments of his life to a date, but it definitely indicates that you must not pretend. Even if in the "game" you win, so you end up in a relationship with the person you wanted, it won't help you if the two of you are at all they will not catch.

You want a partner who will accept you as you are, so don't pretend Photo: Vlada Karpovich / Pexels

4. You give up too quickly

The fact that it is possible to appear in dating apps false lights, can unfortunately also lead to disappointments. You were under the impression that you were on a date with dream men, who will treat you like a princess, and then the gentleman turned out to be the complete opposite your profile? Such a situation would not made me happy nobody, so it's normal that you're not in the best mood.
However, these kinds of events don't mean you have to to give up on love. Something bad experiences it's not proof that you can't meet on the internet the right one and many stories that have their beginnings online have happy ending. That's why yours anger and disappointment put yourself out there healthy ways, to the event smile together with her best friend and with her head held high move on.

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