Photo: Envato

4 Reasons Why You Should Ignore Your Ex's Text

He appeared in your life again. Even though you spent months trying to forget about him. You deleted all contact with him, you cut him out of your life. Then one day, poof, a message pops up on the phone. His. Your memories came back and you thought about him again. The message reads: "I miss you".

Basically, it's a wonderful and terrifying thing after a breakup. Why? On the one hand, you think, because I knew he was still thinking about me. All the sleepless nights were not in vain. And maybe you fall into his arms again and your relationship is different now. Better, or after a while you're back to where you were months ago. Alone with a broken heart and pain.

So, on the other hand, it's toxic and detrimental to the progress you've made in getting over the person.

Even though you were hoping and waiting for him to contact you at the time, there are many reasons why you should ignore this message.

Does he really miss you? Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

1. He does it to boost his ego

He wants to hear and feel how much you missed him. He's not interested in you, the conversation revolves around how wonderful he is and all the reasons you miss him. You become blind to everything again and see only him. His ego soars to the sky. He got the certificate that he is indispensable and wonderful. And then it will disappear again.

2. He's testing you

Sometimes the "I miss you" message is a form of manipulation. The person wants to see if they still have power over you so they can enter your life whenever they feel like it. Not at all. Letting her back into your life sends her a message that she can control you.

3. Things didn't work out for him with someone else and he doesn't want to be alone

This is the most likely cause of the “I miss you” message. Men and women suffer from breakups. But women take time to figure out and accept what went wrong, and after some time to heal their hearts, they get back into the dating pool.

You will fill his ego with the answer! Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Men will find a new woman on their way out of your apartment. They don't get over it, they move right on. They use this to fill the void because you are no longer with them. Eventually, they realize that the person they rushed into a relationship with is not someone they can be with long-term. You will then receive a message. Let him know that you are not someone he can throw away and come back to when things don't work out for him elsewhere.

4. He didn't change, but you did

Maybe you needed this message to feel satisfied. It was hard for you. But you did it. You don't want to have this man in your life anymore. You don't need it anymore. The “I miss you” message is his attempt to spoil your progress and make you feel important again. Do not allow this.

It's not worth wasting your time on. You are happy without him and that is your strength!

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