Photo: Mateus Souza on Pexels

4 red flags we tend to overlook at the beginning of a relationship

We've all been in love before, and we've all overlooked something about the other person in the beginning. The universe is showing us a red flag and we have ignored it.

When it comes to partnership relations we need to think carefully about what we are getting into. Right from the beginning, we need to know who we are and what we want in life. Be it a job, a car, a house or a partner.
Many relationships end quickly when we realize that the partner is not right for us. However, it is not always the fault of the opposite sex, but also of us who like to look over our fingers. It's just hard for us to admit that sometimes. But how can we spot the red flags early on and back off?

You don't hear each other every day


They were in contact every day for a few days, but then they only heard from each other now and then. His/her replies were active for a few days while you waited and constantly checked your phone. When that person got back to you. You blindly believed the excuses, because you only wanted to keep in touch.

Lesson of the story: Everyone looks at their phone at least once in an hour. If someone doesn't write you back for a few days, turn around and walk away, because you're clearly not interested in the person.



Your conversations are anything but classic. Your theme is just hot and nothing serious, and you are looking for a serious partner. On the one hand, it pleases you that someone praises and admires you, but on the other hand, this is not a topic for a couple who are just getting to know each other and on the way to a serious relationship.

Lesson of the story: If you want a serious relationship, but your conversation is only about hot topics, you are not on the right track.

Photo: Allef Vinicius

Keep you waiting

Have they agreed on a date and you are waiting for him/her? First 5 minutes. Then 10, 15, 30..? My dear, no! Someone who keeps you waiting doesn't care how you feel while you're waiting for someone. If you really want to see someone, you will impatiently wait for the day and the hour, and you will not go on a date with the mantra: "oh if I have to."

Lesson of the story: Respect yourself and your time. Time is money, they say, and it's okay to leave a place where you're waiting for a person, because it's more than obvious that they're not your soulmate.

It humiliates you

Are you in a romantic moment as a couple or in the company of friends when your partner says something humiliating to you? Feeling embarrassed? Worth less? This is a sign that your partner does not respect you, and even less such a person respects himself. They say yes love begins with oneself, so we must love ourselves in order to love others. Someone who criticizes others is probably very dissatisfied with himself and passes this on to others.

Lesson of the story: Love yourself and don't believe the person who says something bad to you.

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