
4 Skincare Mistakes That Make Your Face Look Older Than It Really Is

Photo: envato

In the world of cosmetics and beauty routines, opinions about what is best for our skin are often divided. While we discover new products and techniques every day that promise glowing and healthy skin, sometimes we don't realize that some of our habits that seem beneficial can actually harm our skin. In this article, with the help of experts, we reveal 4 common skincare habits that can be much more harmful than beneficial for the health and beauty of your skin.

Skin care mistakes.In pursuit of perfect skin it is crucial to recognize and adjust skin care habits that can actually harm our skin. Avoiding the four mistakes above and following proven advice from experts will help you get the best for your skin possible conditions for luster and health. Remember that every skin is unique, so it's important to listen to your body and adjust your skin care routine as needed. With proper care and a little attention, anyone can achieve enviable results beautiful facial skin.

1. Excessive use of scrubs

Exfoliators are key to removing dead skin cells and promoting skin renewal, but overuse can do more harm than good. Aggressive peeling of the skin can destroy the skin's natural protective barrier, leading to increased sensitivity, dryness and even inflammation. Dermatologists recommend that you limit yourself to mild exfoliants that you use once or twice a week, depending on your skin type. This will allow the skin to recover and maintain its natural balance.

Skin care mistakes you should avoid. Photo: Shiny/Pexels

2. Neglecting sun protection

One of the biggest sins in skin care is certainly neglecting sun protection. UV rays are the main cause of premature skin aging, the appearance of wrinkles, uneven pigmentation and, in the worst case, skin cancer. The daily use of a protective factor, regardless of the weather or season, is crucial for protecting the skin from the harmful effects of the sun's rays. When choosing sunscreen, look for products that offer broad-spectrum protection and have an SPF of 30 or higher.

3. Insufficient hydration

We often forget that not only external but also internal hydration is important for healthy skin. Not drinking enough water can lead to dry, dull and tired skin. Water is essential for nutrient transfer to skin cells and removing toxins, so it is important to consume the recommended amount of water every day. In addition, you can take care of additional hydration of the skin by eating foods rich in water, such as cucumbers, melons and celery.

Photo: Alena/Pexels

4. Skipping the double cleanse

Double cleansing is a process that first involves the use of an oil cleanser to remove make-up, sun cream and sebum, followed by the use of a gentle water-based cleanser to remove residual dirt and impurities. This method ensures a thorough cleaning of the skin, which is especially important in an urban environment where the skin is exposed to pollution on a daily basis. Skipping double cleansing can lead to clogged pores, acne breakouts and lackluster skin.

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