
4 things that make you age faster while you sleep, every night!

Aging while you sleep - you're doing it wrong!

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Photo: envato elements

We present to you the things that make you age faster while you sleep, and we all do them completely unconsciously!

Although it is aging process like the last season of the popular TV serieser - it always does, no matter how much we wish it wouldn't - we all wish this episode had played out with a bit more style. And even though we're sure it's ours skin care destined for the red carpet, it may be that some of our habits are actually speeding our way toward the closing credits. So things that make you age faster while you sleep!

Think you're Audrey Hepburn-level with your nighttime routine? Think again. Discover which habits are more "fashion faux pas" than "haute couture" and how to elegantly avoid them. 4 things that make you age faster while you sleep and every night!

Face on the pillow: A fashion offense

Sleeping on your side? My dear, this is so last decade. Gravity, this misalignment, causes swelling of the eyes and dark circles as the fluid from the face flows down. It's like wearing shoes two sizes too small - uncomfortable and detrimental to your appearance. If you want to avoid this fashion disaster, try sleeping like a real diva - on your back.

Photo: envato elements

You don't wash your face: A fashion crime

Forget to remove your makeup before bed? It's like leaving the house without shoes. Washing your face is like a refreshing cocktail for your skin after a busy day. Skip it? Get ready for fashion crime in the form of acne and pimples. Use a gentle scrub like you would pick out the perfect dinner outfit.

Photo: envato elements

You use too many products: Fashion confusion

Too many skin care products is like wearing all your favorite fashion pieces at the same time - just too much. And while retinol may sound like exclusive party invitations, when combined with benzoyl peroxide, it becomes like mixing stripes and polka dots. The result? Dry and irritated skin that screams "fashion disaster!" So in the evenings, choose one of your facial treatments. The one that suits you best.

Not drinking enough water: A fashion crime

Not staying hydrated is like wearing a winter coat in the middle of summer. Water is like your personal stylist – it always makes you look radiant and fresh. So, my dear, make sure your glass is always full and your style is always on point. Of course you drink it as soon as you wake up! You lost a lot of water overnight.

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