
4 things your obsessive thinking and analyzing reveals about your personality

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Photo: Erik Lucatero / Unsplash

Have you ever struggled with obsessive thinking, where your brain just won't let you stop analyzing a situation or problem?

Obsessively thinking it can be helpful in some situations, but it can also become disruptive and negatively impact your life.

Overthinking relationships can reveal many personality traits that can affect our abilities for intimacy, trust, and finding the right partner.

There are a number of personality traits that overthinking relationships can reveal, and from this you can gain a better understanding of yourself and figure out how to deal with these challenges.

What does obsessive thinking reveal about your personality?

1. Obsessive or neurotic personality style

Individuals who overthink and question whether or not they like someone enough often have an obsessive brain. These people are usually anxious and do not feel real peace of mind. They may tend to question their decisions and depend on other people more than most. This may be due to an obsessive or neurotic personality style.

Overcome uncertainty. Photo: Zachary Kadolph/Unsplash

Obsessive individuals tend to be very precise and analytical. They always want to know more and try to find answers to every question. These people can also clean, tidy and organize things too much. Neurotic individuals, on the other hand, can be anxious and nervous, always wondering what could go wrong. They are indecisive and depend on other people more than most.

If you have problems with overthinking, you can consult a therapist or doctor to find ways to reduce this trait. The goal is to live your life, not just worry about your thinking about it.

2. Fear of intimacy or being hurt again

If you've had bad experiences with relationships in the past, you may worry that those experiences will happen again. This can lead to fear of intimacy and wondering whether or not you like someone enough.

You may have had parents who did not give you enough attention or were critical of you, which can affect your ability to approach others openly and without reservations. You may also fear that you will experience the same pain with your new partner as you experienced in the past.

If you struggle with this by fear, it is important to realize that each new relationship is unique and different from the previous ones. If you feel comfortable with your partner, try to build trust and relax.

3. Live in your imagination

Many people live in fantasy, as it allows them to step away from everyday obligations and challenges for a moment. However, finding the right person for a relationship is something that cannot happen in the imagination. If you are too attached to your idea of an ideal partner, it is possible that it will be difficult for you to see the real person in front of you and focus on the actual qualities of that person.

Get help if you can't see a way out. Photo: Anthony Tran/Unsplash

To find the right partner, you need to forget about idealized qualities and focus on how you feel in real time with the person in front of you. If you can have a relaxed and natural conversation with this person, chances are you can build a strong and healthy relationship together.

If you're not sure, remind yourself that you have to make a decision based on your feelings, regardless of what you think about the person.

4. Tendency to self-punishment

If you often punish yourself and are overly critical of yourself, you may not be allowing yourself to relax and enjoy your relationship. Sometimes overthinking and overanalyzing your actions and feelings can lead to feeling like you're not good enough for others.

However, it is important to realize that no one is perfect and that you can see your mistakes and failures as opportunities to learn and grow.

If you realize that you are too critical of yourself and this affects your relationships, try to be gentler with yourself and remember that you have the right to make mistakes and failures.

If you're getting too worked up about your love dramas, it's important to take some time out from your thoughts and focus on other activities

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