
4 useful tips for an urban garden on your balcony

Create an urban garden on your balcony

Photo: Matteo Badini on Pexels

Spring is approaching and we have already started to decorate the balconies and enjoy them. In addition to turning them into real little oases for relaxation in the springtime, they can also become a source of home-grown fruit, vegetables and spices. Balcony gardens are not unknown, but an increasingly popular way of urban gardening. Growing vegetables on the balcony is not overly demanding. You don't need a lot of space for an urban home garden, so that you can later enjoy the food you have grown yourself until summer.

1. Vegetables that are easy to grow

Many plants will thrive in pots and small balconies. Tomatoes of all kinds, eggplants, zucchini, peppers, radishes, Swiss chard, lettuce, are certainly some of the most rewarding plants for beginners. For vegetables to grow well on your balcony, it is good that only this south side of the sky is seen, but do not be afraid, because vegetables thrive right on every side of the sky. It is recommended that your balcony or window has at least a few hours of daily sunlight. You can buy ready-made seedlings or seeds in the store. To plant carrots, radishes, courgettes and tomatoes, you need larger pots, especially for the seedlings to take root. The containers in which you will plant your plants can be wooden, you can choose larger balcony clay vases, woven bags for planting, various preserves, wooden pallets.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

2. Vertical garden

If you have a small balcony and don't have enough space to put all the pots you plan to plant in on the ground, try a vertical garden. You can make a vertical garden with old pallets and it will only take up one wall.

3. Spices on the balcony or window

Basil, sage, lavender, thyme, parsley, oregano, rosemary and mint love the sun. When planting, be careful not to plant more than two spices in one vase or jar. The plants will thus have more space.

4. Planting process

Place some pebbles (gravel), a drainage bag or glass on the bottom of the planting container and place the soil mixture on top. You can make the mixture yourself or buy it at any garden center. Place the seeds on the ground, cover them with additional soil and sprinkle with water. If you transplant the seedling, place it on the prepared soil and additionally secure it around the roots with additional soil and water it. Always water the plants with stagnant water, it is recommended early in the morning or in the evening when the sun is not too strong.

If you harvest the fruits regularly, they will grow even better. When planting tomatoes and cucumbers, it is recommended that a stick be placed in the pot, as these two plants climb. Cut the outer leaves of lettuce, radicchio and swiss chard, as this will help them grow even better. Also, do this with spices.

But maybe now is the ideal opportunity to finally take courage and try something new. Urban gardens in urban areas have become increasingly popular in recent years. You just need some helpful tips, soil, good seeds and a lot of patience. Who knows, you might find a new hobby. This is also an ideal opportunity to get everyone in the household involved. From the youngest to the oldest.

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