
40 things you don't want to regret after turning 40

Catch your luck so you don't regret missed opportunities

Photo: envato

Have you ever wondered what you will regret when you turn 40? Are you afraid of missed opportunities and unfulfilled dreams?

We've all experienced it feelings regrets in life. It's never too late to start differently.

Mark Chernoff, author of the book "1000 Little Happy Things", shared a blog entry in which he described 40 things he doesn't want to regret.

Don't let the passage of time scare you or overwhelm you with fear.

Instead, focus on the important things that bring you happiness and fulfillment. Get started today, follow your passions, make your dreams come true and live a life with no regrets.

1. You don't spend enough time with real people.

2. Don't force your loved ones to smile more than once.

3. You don't express what you really feel in your heart.

4. You compare yourself too much to others.

5. Let others dictate how you live and ignore your intuition.

6. You don't take action to make your dreams come true.

7. Let others talk about your dreams.

Live the life. Photo: Becca Tapert / Unspalsh

8. You go back too much and regret the lost time.

9. You're always looking for excuses not to live the life you want and not do the things you love.

10. You wait too much time, analyze too much and make excuses for delaying important decisions.

11. You don't try hard enough to be happy.

12. Allow obstacles to stand in your way and begin to admire them desperately.

13. You don't show gratitude for the life you have.

14. Settle for less than you deserve.

15. You put your needs and happiness on the sidelines because of your desire to help others.

16. Allow impatience to get the better of you and shape your decisions and actions.

17. You give up quickly and avoid conflicts.

Make every moment beautiful. Photo: Joelvalve / Unsplash

18. Allow others to guide you on your life's journey.

19. You don't help your loved ones when they need you.

20. You ignore people who have supported you in difficult times.

21. Don't live in the present moment and don't worry about tomorrow.

22. You don't take enough care of yourself.

23. You always look outside of yourself for happiness.

24. Let plans for the future steal your present.

25. You don't see good opportunities in life.

26. You limit your life.

27. You don't take responsibility for the life changes you have to make.

28. You seek validation from other people.

29. You look for happiness in other people.

30. You try to impress the wrong people.

Step out of the shadows. Photo: Toni Ferreira / Unsplash

31. You focus too much on drama.

32. Allow negative thoughts to destroy your happiness.

33. You constantly think about what your life will be like.

34. Forcing you to do things that are not meant for you.

35. You try to keep the wrong people in your life.

36. You are caught in the trap of consumerism.

37. You don't accept life as it is.

38. You resist change instead of accepting it and moving on.

39. You don't accept change.

40. Don't take the opportunity to travel when it comes your way.

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