
If someone makes you feel bad - leave them!

Photo: envato

People are not just good or just bad. Even the best have dark places, weaknesses, qualities they are ashamed of or afraid of. Even in the worst, there is something good that is able to give back and contribute, nurture and build. Nobody and nothing is black and white.

It is important to know your weaknesses. Light up your dark spaces, accept them, understand them.

The worst parts represent a certain type of teacher that you it helps to know your dark side, to face your faces that you hide and which you have always avoided.

Connecting with someone who brings your demons to the surface is a lesson and you have to master it. And when you do, you move on. You don't stay in this relationship.

You can experience it different forms of love in life, you connect with different people, each of whom are your mirror and your teachers in their own way. You meet those who see the best in you and with them you are the best version of yourself. And those who bring out the worst qualities in you, fears you didn't even know you had inside you, can make you go through hell. These people are masters of manipulation and emotional enslavement.


Everyone starts from himself when he assumes and condemns others. Those who carry moral and emotional baggage within themselves also see it in other people. They may not see it, but they are sure it exists. An unfaithful and dishonest person will be convinced that you are cheating and lying, because they do not understand that there are people who do not do this. He does not believe that there are loyal and honest people, the kind who mean what they say and express what they feel.

Morally corrupt, unstable and emotionally immature people will push all your buttons. For sure, sometimes they will manage to squeeze the "right" combination that takes away your self-control and kindness and releases anger, rage, revenge, malice. You will be surprised by your reactions and behavior, feelings, thoughts that you did not have before.

You will want to hurt this person in one way or another in order to give them what they persistently demand from you. But, because it's not you, you start to doubt yourself and your worth.


People who bring your demons into the light are deeply in control of their own demons. They communicate not with your being, with your love and kindness, but with what they recognize as similar to themselves - with your dark side. And you cannot have a healthy and stable relationship with such people, this connection is toxic from the beginning.

And the only good thing you can get out of such a relationship is that you get to know your dark side. Once you discover it, you no longer need a demonic intermediary.

Because you don't want to feed and nurture your demons, you want to cast them out and banish them. You can choose light, goodness, love, nobility, because this is food for your being and soul. Or you can choose demon food – fear, doubt, lies, betrayals, despair, insecurity.


When someone awakens your demons and when you meet them, thank them for the lesson, turn and walk away.

Find someone who doesn't test your values, doesn't trample your boundaries. But someone who sees the virtues in you, who admires, respects and believes in you.

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