
5 totally unusual things that women REALLY like about men

Strange things that attract women to men.

Women like to see an attractive man, but to them "that something" is much more important.

Forget the beard and chiseled body, which have been considered the most attractive working man's body for years - women are also attracted to other body parts, personality traits and actions.

What do women like in men?

Long hair

Long hair.
Long hair.

Long hair equates to a woman tenderness and attention when making contacts, but they also have a connotation of romanticism. Men with long hair know that their style is different and attractive, so they are more daring.

Laugh lines

Laugh lines.
Laugh lines.

Wrinkles are unfairly understood as something scary. It is true that they show age, but a man with wrinkles around his eyes and lips shows that he laughs a lot and invites you to laugh together. His laugh indicates that you will probably be happy with him.



The man who reveals his feelings with tears, is engaged and passionate. A certain degree empathy you can also see it in his behavior, but you can see his tears they strengthen the bond between you.



A man who they don't brag about their achievements, feel comfortable in their own skin without seeking attention from other people. Quiet confidence is the most divine, because it exists regardless of whether the man is aware of it or not.

Respect for sexuality

Respect for sexuality.
Respect for sexuality.

Women can be real fear, because they think that men's motives revolve only around sexuality. To men for whom sex is not the most important thing, you are they take their time, to create a strong bond and they wait for the woman's approval because they gain trust. Women are interested in trust and respect.

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