
5 Anti-Inflammatory Foods You Must Eat Regularly: Add Them to Your Plate!

Discovering anti-inflammatory superfoods for better health

Photo: Pexes / Ksu Eli

We all know that food can be medicine, but what foods really help fight inflammation? Nutrition experts reveal which superfoods you should be adding to your plates regularly. Ready? Let's see what the science says. So 5 anti-inflammatory foods.

What is the secret of health and vitality? The answer is hiding on your plate! Antioxidants, fiber and healthy fats are just some of the key ingredients that can help reduce inflammation in the body. A diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods can improve digestion, stabilize blood sugar levels, reduce joint pain, and help maintain a healthy weight.

anti-inflammatory foods
Photo: Pexes / Ksu Eli
Did you know that eating the right foods can reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases such as endometriosis, eczema and acne? In addition, such a diet can contribute to general well-being and vitality. So why not make sure your menu includes as many of these wonderful anti-inflammatory foods as possible? Get ready to discover five foods together that will revolutionize your plate and your health!

1. Nuts: Almonds, walnuts and other hazelnuts

If almonds remind you of the holidays and Christmas, then now you have a good reason to include them in your daily diet. Almonds are full of fiber, vegetable protein, minerals and antioxidants. They are particularly important due to their content of Omega 3 fatty acids. These fats are essential for the functioning of our body and are often lacking in our diet. They also stimulate the production of anti-inflammatory substances.

"For optimal effectiveness, add fatty fish such as tuna, salmon, sardines or mackerel to the menu twice a week. These fish provide another form of anti-inflammatory Omega 3s that complement those in nuts,” recommends Sophie.

2. Blueberries: Small but powerful antioxidants

Blueberries are like those little, magical berries found in fairy tales. These tiny blue bombs of antioxidants help fight oxidative stress in our cells, which is important because this stress accelerates aging and causes inflammatory reactions. Blueberries contain a particularly effective type of antioxidants called polyphenols.

“Polyphenols are superheroes that block the production of certain pro-inflammatory substances. Their effectiveness has been confirmed in numerous studies," experts say. "Blueberries are not only tasty, but also medicinal!"

3. Buckwheat: The new quinoa

If you haven't tried buckwheat yet, you're missing out on a new supergrain! Buckwheat is rich in fiber, antioxidants, vegetable proteins and does not contain gluten. Fiber helps feed the good bacteria in our microbiota, which then produce anti-inflammatory substances. And that's not all! Due to its fiber content, buckwheat has a lower glycemic index than rice or pasta, which is good for our blood sugar.

4. Kefir: A fermented miracle

Kefir is a fermented drink full of natural probiotics – live bacteria that enrich our microbiome and help it to be more diverse and rich. A healthy microbiome has many positive effects on our health: better digestion, enhanced immunity, healthy skin, good mental health.

"When the microbiota is disrupted, it promotes intestinal permeability and thus the passage of endotoxins into the blood, which causes an inflammatory reaction," warns Sophie. Therefore, adding kefir to the diet is not only a fad, but also a step towards better health.

5. Dark chocolate with 85 % cocoa: Sweet finish

Finally, something for those with a sweet tooth! Dark chocolate with a high cocoa content is actually good for your health. Cacao contains one of the richest levels of antioxidants in the plant world, as well as minerals, fiber and theobromine, an anti-inflammatory substance.

"Don't worry if you have acne - four squares of dark chocolate with 85 % cocoa will not be problematic, on the contrary! Milk or white chocolate is too sweet and can stimulate inflammation," concludes Sophie.


Adding these five anti-inflammatory foods to your diet is a step toward a healthier life. Remember, health depends largely on what we put on our plates. Be like Sophie and choose wisely!

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