
The 5 biggest mistakes experienced drivers make in traffic

Vozimse: Test drive again

The driving test is an important step in life for each of us. With it, in a way, we ensure our freedom, but at the same time we assume responsibility for our life and the lives of other road users. Learning traffic regulations and traffic rules begins in early childhood. Unfortunately, we increasingly notice that acquired knowledge disappears over the years and through routine in traffic. This is how we become sloppy when driving, and many people, despite years of experience, would not even pass the driving test.

That's why it is Insurance company Triglav organized the campaign "Back to the test drive", in which experienced drivers signed up to drive around their city for free, and driving instructors gave them a good insight into their knowledge of road traffic regulations and their actual driving skills. It turned out that years of routine driving do not necessarily mean driving according to valid road traffic regulations. From experienced drivers they would only 23 % passed the driving test. That's less than a quarter of all drivers.

Challenge a friend to a retest drive and compete for a rally drive with Rok the Turk!

Everyone who will do a re-test drive in one of the 6 cities will participate in a draw for an adrenaline rally drive. There will be two lucky winners rally champion Rok Turk led in his off-production Hyundai i20 class R5 sports car. It will certainly be an unforgettable experience, as the vehicle has four-wheel drive and a 1.6 turbo engine that develops as much as 290 horsepower. Fill it out form and with a bit of luck win an adrenaline rally ride with champion Rok Turk.

The most common mistakes of Slovenian drivers

The data showed that there are some mistakes that are typical even for experienced Slovenian drivers. Maybe it's a wrong behavior that's so widely accepted, that we seem so self-evident over the years of driving, that we forget the correct behavior, or it could be a bad knowledge of road traffic regulations.

1. Speed limit

The speed limit is one of the biggest problems. This is especially true in zones with a 30 km/h limit. Sometimes the reason is that the driver does not detect the signal, which dictates the restriction, and many more times it is probably about knowingly breaking the rules, with the driver taking a risk and hoping not to get a fine.

2. Ignoring floor markings and traffic signals

Photo: Zavarovalnica Triglav

In addition to the fact that experienced drivers often do not drive within the prescribed limits, it is also the biggest mistake disregarding floor markings and traffic signals. It turned out that as many as 53 % drivers do not consistently follow floor markings and traffic signals. It turned out that experienced drivers most often "overlook" and do not take into account the line at the STOP sign, the cross line for slowing down traffic and the lines that indicate the correct arrangement at the intersection. Floor markings on the road are equivalent to road signs. Over the years, both signs and floor markings may change. In 2016, the new Rulebook on traffic signals and traffic equipment on roads entered into force. He brought quite a few innovations, which are gradually being put into use. Many drivers overlook the new signs because they are not even familiar with them.

3. Failure to observe a stop sign

Photo: Lamar Belina / Pexels

About 40 percent of drivers are experienced drivers ignoring the STOP sign. Regardless of where the STOP sign is placed, the car must always be stopped in front of the line. Only when we are sure that the pedestrian crossing is free, that no cyclist is approaching and that we can ride safely, do we slowly move to the point of visibility. If the intersection is not clear, if necessary, we stop there again and wait until it is safe to merge onto the main road.

4. Ignoring the blind spot

Photo: Samuel Foster/Unsplash

The blind spot is the area around the vehicle that cannot be seen from the driver's seat. The reasons for the blind spot can be pillars between the windows of the vehicle, passengers, the passenger's headrest, luggage... In such cases, unfortunately, the rearview and side mirrors are not sufficient, as they do not show the whole picture.

How do we check the blind spot? Before changing the traffic lane to the left side, we look over the left shoulder through the side window and slightly back. Before changing the traffic lane to the right side, we look over the right shoulder through the side window and a little back. While looking over the shoulder, do not lower the steering wheel, and the body remains facing forward. We only turn our head, as this is enough to get an overview of the blind spot.

5. Improper driving in a roundabout

Roundabouts cause headaches for many drivers - drivers misclassify, exit the roundabout directly from the inner lane, push pedestrians and cyclists in front of the pedestrian crossing and use their turn signals incorrectly.

Irregularities when driving through a roundabout or roundabout they happen to all age groups and the number of years since passing the driving test has no special role either. Roundabouts are a particularly challenging situation for drivers, where special side barriers provide each vehicle with a special traffic area. Crossing between lanes is not possible due to the intermediate barrier, so it is important to read the tables so that you can line up correctly and exit the roundabout at the appropriate exit. In this way, the number of conflict points is reduced, better transparency is ensured, and the possibility of incorrect reactions of drivers when driving through a roundabout is reduced.

Check your knowledge. Sign up for a free retest drive and win a prize!

The most you can do for the safety of yourself and other road users is to become a safer driver. Fill it out form and with any luck you will be one of 190 drivers drawn to receive a repeat test drive with a driving instructor.

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