
5 traits that reveal a womanizer!

Jude Law in Alfie

They are constantly on the lookout and looking for new opportunities. They see every woman as an opportunity for a fleeting relationship. It doesn't matter where they are - whether at work, in a pub or with their partner. They collect sexual partners like brands.

If you are with such a person, either get used to it or walk away. Such a relationship has no future. Your partner won't change, and neither will your pain.

Such people can be recognized by various characteristics, as they come alive the moment an attractive person steps into the room and conquest already follows.

It's perfect

He sees every woman as a potential catch. When he sets a goal, he transforms into a perfect man, he imagines that no woman can remain indifferent in front of him. She puts on a mask of charm, she's downright turned off because she can't hide her flaws. It emphasizes true or false virtues.


He's witty

He knows how much women like men who make them laugh and he's a pro at it. He will be very persistent in his intention to make you laugh, he will not give up, he will try in a hundred and one ways, which will flatter you.


He listens carefully

It usually bothers women because their partners often don't listen to them and forget what they've been told. A womanizer knows that he must listen to her and look her in the eye. He watches her carefully and follows her eyes during the conversation. He is interested in everything and wants to hear all about you.


He overdoes the compliments

Women love it when men praise them, even if they won't always admit it. And while some men refrain from compliments so as not to sound sweet-talking or pathetic, a womanizer bombards a woman with sweet words and compliments.


He plans a future together

You've just met, but he's already talking about where he'd like to take you, who he'd introduce you to, where you'll go on vacation, which beach you'll sunbathe on...

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