
5 clear signs that your partner is not taking your relationship seriously

Photo: Mikhail Nilov / Pexels

A healthy relationship where we don't have to constantly wonder if our partner feels the same is something we all dream of. However, sometimes it happens that we find ourselves in a situation that is completely different from the desired one. If you feel that your partner does not see a future with you and does not appreciate you enough, you can realize that you deserve much more and that someone is waiting for you who will be able to give it to you. That is why we have prepared for you 5 signs that show that your partner does not take you seriously and that you should leave the relationship.

1. Your communication stays with messages

Yes, in the modern world it happens all too quickly that we running out of time for the nearest. However, this is by no means an excuse if your partner at all shows no interestto be with you got and instead remains at SMS messages. When someone we appreciate it and see him in of the future, we will do our best to survive with him as much time as possible. Therefore, no way do not satisfy with a partner for whom this kind of relationship is completely fine he answers.

Don't settle for just messages Photo: Ivan Samkov / Pexels

2. It's sending you mixed signals

Do you happen to spend the day with your partner at planning a common future, and then all of a sudden disappears and to your messages stops answering? This is by no means a good sign - you deserve someone who will stand up for you always willing to make an effort. If you are constantly asking, or is your partner sincere with the plans you create together, then it's time to meet him talk.

3. He doesn't know what he really wants

It is also a bad sign that the partner constantly changes his feelings about you and yours expectations. If he sometimes tells you that he wants to be with you spend a lifetime, and then all of a sudden think it over and takes the view that they are still young, that still too early, to think about the future... this shows that you and your time doesn't take it seriously.
Yes, it is life unpredictable and no one can know where the path will lead, but you are nevertheless you earn someone who will not awaken in you of fear, that the relationship will end soon.

You deserve someone who makes you feel at peace Photo: Pixabay / Pexels

4. Avoids clear plans

It's still too easy to tell someone to deal with them see you in the future. So be on the lookout for such statements attentive, or the partner creates clear plans or remains at empty words.
If you feel that the partner is mentioned of common residence, creating a family,.. avoids or even such plans frighten, that's not a good sign.

5. He doesn't include you in his company

In a relationship, it's perfectly normal for each of you to keep own identity and independence, so that every moment they don't spend time together. Yes, there is nothing wrong if the partner sometimes hangs out with his friends hang out without you, but be careful: if he doesn't even suggest that you presented to his company, this is definitely a bad sign.
If we want long-term relationships, we will make sure to be karsed's partner included in their lives, and if your partner doesn't, it's your concern eligible.

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