Bloating is certainly one of the most annoying digestive problems. Not only does it make us not feel our best, but it also creates the appearance of extra pounds. But fortunately, with a proper diet and a healthy lifestyle, it can be reduced or completely eliminated. We have prepared for you 5 easy ways to get rid of bloating.
1. Reduce your sodium intake
Overindulgence salt and foods rich in sodium will cause your body to start retain water, which can very quickly lead to bloating. The latest dietary guidelines suggest that an adult should consume the maximum amount per day 2300 mg of salt per day, so do not use it in cooking don't overdo it.
A large amount of salt is also present in ready meals, such as soup mixes, different salty snacks, frozen dinners etc. We suggest their enjoyment limit or choose healthy and natural an alternative.
2. Reduce your carbohydrate intake
They are for the proper functioning of the body carbohydrates necessary, but research shows that many consume them in measures too large. This can lead to digestive problems as well as increased body weight, so it is important to be careful with your diet.
We suggest that you replace foods rich in carbohydrates with those that contain the most proteins – these are, for example eggs, lean meat and soy substitutes.
3. Drink more water
If you drink too little, you are telling your body that it needs it water supplies. This then leads to bloating and the rest digestive problems. Adequate water intake also has many other positive effects: you will feel lighter concentrated, you will improve yours immune system, and water will also help you with weight loss.
But how do you make sure you get enough sleep? We suggest that you always carry with you water bottle with water and monitor your intake. An adult should consume approx 2 liters of water or more if he engages in physical activity. You will also do a lot if you change the water sweet drinks.
4. Don't forget probiotics
Probiotics are extremely important for optimal digestive function, and will also stimulate yours immune system and improved health liver. You can include them in your diet through foods such as Sauerkraut, kombucha, kefir and pickles.
If you think that probiotics in sufficient quantity you will not gain from food, we suggest that you look around probiotic food supplements.
5. Get a little stress and a lot of sleep
It's no secret that problems, which originate from ours psyche, they also start to show very quickly on the outside. And bloating is no exception - often its cause lies in stress. The easiest way to control it is with conversations, meditation, regular physical activity and exercises for anxiety.
Increased stress often comes from lack of sleep, which also has a negative impact on immune system and digestion. So make sure you get it every night 8 hours of quality sleep.