
5 essential characteristics of narcissistic persons

Photo: netflix

Can they fall in love? Can they truly love? Are narcissistic people ready for love at some point in their lives, or do they only have this feeling temporarily?

Many experts claim that narcissists know how to love, but in their own way.

Perhaps the better question is whether you are ready for this kind of love, because narcissists will not love you in a traditional way.

Every relationship is idyllic at first, even with a narcissist. He showers you with attention and compliments, but at some point he gets tired of it and withdraws into himself, in some cases becoming violent.

Narcissistic people can fall in love, but they cannot develop deeper feelings than that, so do not hope for some fatal love if your partner is a narcissist.

They also have problems because they dream of perfect relationships, which is impossible because life is never perfect.

There are many reasons that confirm that narcissists cannot love perfectly, we will highlight five of the most common.

1. They are obsessed with perfection

The narcissist's world is perfect and unreal. The problem is that they think they are better at everything than others. Narcissists do not accept the ordinary modest life and always want more, and so it is with emotions.


2. A narcissist doesn't care how his partner feels

They easily reject you when they get everything they need from you and drain you emotionally. They constantly need admiration and respect and don't care what you think or how you feel about it.

3. The partner is drawn into a vicious circle

These people are characterized by a lack of empathy and a manipulative nature. It often happens that people who break up with a narcissist blame themselves for the breakup, but it is also possible that narcissists delay ending the relationship, thus dragging their partner into a vicious circle in which they are repeatedly disappointed.


4. The environment recognizes them, you don't

Most of the time, family and friends will notice if you are suffering in a relationship, even if you don't even realize it. In general, you don't need to listen to other people when it comes to your relationship, but sometimes they can be right. A relationship with a narcissist will end precisely because friends and family recognize him as such.


5. He always wants more

Nothing is good enough for narcissists. They will always want more, no matter what they have. They are mostly dissatisfied because they always think they could do better, so their frustration is always increasing.

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