
5 Foods to Lose Belly Fat: Fill your plate with these delicious and healthy foods

Exercise will not be enough to lose stubborn fat around the belly!

Many studies show that the accumulation of fat in the abdomen increases the risk to health. This is especially true for people with excessive visceral fat. Unlike subcutaneous adipose tissue, visceral fat is located deep in the abdominal cavity and surrounds the internal organs. It can trigger various inflammations that trigger many diseases such as the development of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, some forms of cancer and even reduced cognitive function with aging.

It is important to note that excess visceral fat is a risk even for people who are not overweight. In other words, even if your body mass index (BMI) is within normal limits, the accumulation of visceral fat can put your health in question.

It is known that chronic stress and poor sleep quality they increase the proportion of visceral fat, while exercise and certain foods can have a significant effect on its reduction. One of the recent ones studies showed that simply improving the quality of the overall diet can reduce the accumulation of abdominal fat. The researchers specifically looked at people who were adherent Mediterranean diet, which contained six main ingredients – vegetables, fruit, whole grains, legumes, nuts and fish.

Certain foods and nutrients have also been shown to help with belly fat loss, and here are five foods that nutritionists think you should definitely include in your regular diet.


Many are of the opinion that it is a lens one of the best foods in the world. In addition to being gluten-free, affordable, environmentally friendly and versatile in its preparation, it is also an extremely nutritious food. It is full of vegetable proteins, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants.

You can use it as a substitute for meat, as an addition to vegetables, potatoes or zucchini. You can add it to a salad or make a stew or soup out of it.



In addition to fiber, avocados are like food full of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. In addition, it contains large amounts of potassium, a mineral that supports the work of the heart and helps regulate blood pressure, acts as a natural diuretic and thus removes excess sodium and body fluids.

Recent research shows that this tasty food can help attack belly fat. A study was performed on 111 people. One group had one fresh avocado on their menu every day. While the second group ate the same number of calories as the first but without the avocado. After three months of observation, the group that ate avocados every day showed improvement, i.e. reduction in abdominal visceral fat compared to the other group.

Even if you don't eat it every day, it's good to include it in your menu from time to time. You can serve it as a spread, with a salad or add it to your smoothie and enjoy its benefits.

Wild salmon

Vitamin D it is important for many functions of the human body, including immunity, regulation of bone density and mental health. Research also shows that low blood levels of vitamin D are associated with increases in total body fat and visceral fat in women.

There are few foods that are an important source of vitamin D, but one of the best foods is certainly wild salmon. However, if you don't like or eat fish, look for foods fortified with vitamin D, such as milk, or consider vitamin D supplements.


Whole grains

A study, involving more than 2,800 participants, showed that whole grain intake was associated with subcutaneous and visceral abdominal fat, i.e. yes are reducing, while refined grains such as white bread, rice and pasta increase it.

Instead of avoiding grains, eat moderate amounts of whole grains that meet your energy needs. Have a cup of oatmeal for breakfast, quinoa in a salad, and brown or wild rice for dinner.


Nuts, which are the main component of the Mediterranean diet, in addition to plant proteins, antioxidants, fiber and a wide range of minerals, also contain healthy fats. One study states that people who ate a few of the same or different nuts daily had lower blood pressure and BMI compared to people who didn't.

If you are not allergic to them, you can add them to almost any meal or snack. You can eat a spread of nuts for breakfast, you can put them in your drinks or salads, or you can eat them on their own.


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