
5 foods that affect bad breath

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What to do if you have bad breath? There is a solution!

Bad breath it's an annoying problem that can have a major impact on our self-esteem and social relationships.

The causes of bad breath are different, but among them they also play an important role some foods, which we enjoy. While good oral hygiene is key to preventing bad breath, it's equally important to be aware of how certain foods and drinks affect our oral hygiene and bad breath.

Have you ever wondered What foods and drinks could be to blame for your bad breath? Have you already tried many ways to deal with this annoying problem? But perhaps the solution was hidden in one simple thing!

Here is a list of the top five culprits of bad breath and tips on how to easily avoid them:

1. Coffee

The popular morning drink of coffee is an indispensable part of the day for many. But caffeinated beverages like coffee contain sulfur and acidic compounds that can cause bad breath.

Coffee. Photo: Igor Haritanovich / Pexels

In addition, coffee reduces the production of saliva, which is a natural means of cleaning the mouth and neutralizing bacteria. As a result, bacteria can multiply faster, causing bad breath.

If you don't want to give up coffee, dentists advise you to also drink large amounts of plain water while drinking coffee, as this will help reduce the effect of caffeine on drying your mouth.

2. Onions

Onions are an excellent spice that gives dishes a delicious aroma. Unfortunately, it can have an unpleasant side effect - bad breath. Onions contain sulfur compounds that are responsible for their characteristic smell, but these compounds can also cause bad breath.

Even a small amount of onions can cause problems, as the sulfur compounds are absorbed into the bloodstream and excreted through the lungs, causing bad breath. To avoid this problem, brush your teeth thoroughly after a meal and chew a sprig of fresh parsley, which will help eliminate unpleasant odors.

3. Dairy products

Cheese, milk and ice cream are delicious and nutritious, but they can contribute to bad breath. Dairy products contain proteins and amino acids, which are broken down into sulfur compounds by natural bacteria in the mouth.

Dairy Products. Photo: Nastyasensei / Pexels

These compounds cause bad breath, so it is important to brush your teeth and rinse your mouth thoroughly after consuming dairy products.

Also, drink enough water to improve saliva production, which will reduce bacterial growth in the mouth.

4. Alcohol

Drinking alcohol affects not only our well-being, but also our oral hygiene. Alcohol dehydrates the body, which leads to a decrease in saliva production.

A dry mouth encourages the growth of bacteria, which causes bad breath. Drink plenty of water while consuming alcohol to keep your mouth hydrated and prevent bad breath.

5. Spices

Fragrant spices are indispensable when preparing delicious dishes. However, certain spices, such as curry, which is a combination of turmeric, cumin, coriander and ginger, can cause bad breath.

If you want to prevent bad breath after eating spices, reduce the consumption of strong spices or gargle water with lemon after a meal, which will freshen your breath.

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