
5 memories you must make in your 20s and you will never regret them

Let's be real, no one wants to enter their 30s knowing they didn't make the most of their golden twenties. If you don't want the time to go by like you wasted it, here are five things you absolutely must do so that you have something to tell your grandchildren.

You want with backpacking through Europe? Move into your own a dream city? To constantly have fun and be to socialize? Now is the time to do it! In your 20s, you are slowly entering the real world, and only then do you have all the 'tools' you need to make this life meaningful.

1. Go on an unplanned 'road trip'.

Go on a 'road trip'.
Go on a 'road trip'.

A long, flat road, a 'burning soul' and a group of friends feeling adventurous? Along with money for fuel and some tasty snacks, which are the essentials you need for an epic road trip, take a lot of good cheer with you. It doesn't matter where you go, just go and have a great time.

2. Invite the person you like for a drink.

Invite your crush on a date.
Invite your crush on a date.

In the future, you probably don't want to remember your 20s when you didn't have the courage to ask the person you liked out for a drink. Take a chance and trust your feelings. You never know where this small gesture can lead.

3. Throw the best birthday party ever.

Prepare an unforgettable birthday party.
Prepare an unforgettable birthday party.

For at least one of your 20th birthdays, you have to throw an epic party. Good music, great company, food and drink! Celebrating your birthday should be a habit every year, but once in a while you have to cross the line of the ordinary.

4. Make a group Halloween costume.

Make a group mask for Halloween.
Make a group mask for Halloween.

A good costume requires some preparation and creativity, but it pays off in the end when you and your friends put it on and burn it at the party. Who knows, maybe your idea that you post online will go viral. Start planning now!

5. Travel.

Travel the world.
Travel the world.

You have a passport for a reason, to use it and explore new things and have fun. Visit the places you've always wanted to, because what really counts are the memories we make in different places.

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