
5 mistakes that drive happiness away from your love

Photo: Envato

Mistakes and conflicts are inevitable in a relationship - but it's important to pay attention to the ones you can avoid. You will decide which of these relationship mistakes you should avoid when you see which area of your relationship needs more attention. These are the 5 key mistakes that ruin your happiness in love.

1. You don't have a vision for the relationship

A relationship vision is a picture of your ideal relationship. Ask yourself the questions: What are my values? What are my future goals? What do I want to feel in my relationship? What kind of person do I want by my side? You each do this for yourself, and then you discuss together how to harmonize your vision of the relationship.

Not having a vision of the relationship is an early relationship mistake to avoid.

2. You don't know love wounds

Love wounds are over the consequences of failed relationships or relationships where your needs were not met. The result is that you protect yourself from love, even though all you really want is to be loved! It seems so easy, right? If you feel fear of disappointment, fear of abandonment, fear of rejection, you probably have love wounds that you need to admit and process as soon as possible, because only then will you be able to enter into a relationship with another person. Let your partner heal his love wounds too. The next step is to share your love experiences and wounds together with your partner, as this will help you get to know and bond better.

Photo: Envato

3. You don't communicate

Being able to talk about your feelings is what creates a deeper connection between partners. But it is often very difficult to open up to another person. Instead, we assume that our partner should somehow know how we feel. This is not the right way! Rather, tell him and explain how you feel. Talk about what you both need, what isn't working, and what is working in your relationship. This will also prove that you are ready to listen and adapt.

4. You don't listen

Sometimes the partner just wants to be heard - not every conversation is advice and it is not always necessary to provide solutions to situations. If you want to give an opinion in the form of help, first ask if the partner needs it at all, or if he just wants to confess his problems. Have compassion for your partner and judge when it is good to just listen to your partner if you see that he needs it and you will talk about yourself next time. Make an effort to really listen to your partner, because you are probably a great support to him. With that build a strong bond between you.

Photo: Envato

5. You don't spend quality time apart

Spending quality time alone is just as important as spending quality time together. Spending time apart can make you miss your partner and be rewarded with butterflies in your stomach when you see each other again. When you feel that you need time to yourself or just want to have some time, tell your partner. Say what you want to do and we believe that your other half will understand it.

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