
The 5 most common reasons why he hasn't proposed to you yet

Photo: Envato

Many people assume that the only real "proof" that a man loves you is the moment he gets down on one knee and proposes. But what if you're in the happiest of relationships and marriage isn't even on the horizon? Here are five reasons why he hasn't proposed to you yet.

All your friends on social media are wearing engagement rings, celebrating engagements, but your chosen one can't take the ring and get down on one knee?

Naturally, you begin to wonder about his real ones purposes and about whether he even plans to get married. Probably because we were taught as children that love and marriage are synonymous. So if a man loves you, he will want to propose to you and become your husband and you his wife.

It can make you feel somewhat disappointed, if he hasn't proposed to you yet, even though he loves you immensely. Since these are serious matters where relationships end, it is very important that you understand his position on wedding bells before you start waving any ultimatums.


He is not ready for marriage

Don't stress, let everything flow in at your own pace and it will be good for both of us. Usually, women feel ready for marriage faster than the average man. In the past, men reported when they were financially stable and women when they wanted children. However, this does not mean that a man does not think about marriage, above all, he must first make sure that he knows what he is doing and where it all leads. Men mostly think about the financial burden of marriage and must be prepared for it.

It's not real

When a man decides to marry, considers all options also whether the woman is the right person with whom he will spend his whole life. If you are the right person, you will not give ultimatums regarding marriage and the man will also come to the realization that you are the right person for him and will propose to you, without hesitation or explanations. Marriage is a serious undertaking. It is a lifelong commitment. And if you can't work together to solve your own relationship problems, then you probably aren't meant for each other. Sometimes, despite the best intentions and biggest dreams, things just aren't the way you want them to be.


He doesn't believe in marriage

Some men do not believe in the idea or the institution of marriage. For some men, marriage is nothing more than paper. If they are raised in a religious environment or are religious themselves, marriage can mean something to them. But there is also the possibility that marriage is not as important to him as love. Some men do not believe in marriage because of their parents or because they have been married before. Just as you have a right to your feelings about marriage, he has a right to his feelings.

He is afraid of expectations

He is afraid of you and his own expectations. According to social media proposals, he doesn't want to disappoint you because his may not be like that shiny. Expectations on both sides can be too high.

Poor communication

If he doesn't know you want to get married, he won't think about it. Don't expect him to be your partner read minds. After all, if you want to know why he hasn't proposed to you yet, you need to talk to him about it.

The wedding is big life decision and you need to understand what to expect from life together. If you are so sure that you want to spend the rest of your life with him, you need to get used to talking about the things that scare you and make you uncomfortable.

Marriage and love are not inone synonym, mean different things to different people, and until you talk, you won't know what your partner's thinking is and what their intentions are.

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