
The 5 most difficult periods in a relationship: how to get through them and avoid a breakup?

Sooner or later, every couple (even the happiest) goes through a period of crisis. This is absolutely inevitable in any relationship, but the good news is that after this difficult period, the couple usually bonds even more. This of course applies if the crisis is successfully resolved.

The 5 most difficult periods in a relationship: how to get through them and avoid a breakup?

The first year: the period of reality

After half a year to a year from the beginning of life together, the butterflies of falling in love become rarer and rarer, but every day more and more life-like. The so-called period of reality begins, when both partners begin to be aware of each other's bad sides. How to successfully resolve this crisis? It is important that you talk about your feelings, explain to each other what bothers you, what worries you and what you want.

Even in the more mature years of the marriage, it is necessary to take care of the connection.
Even in the more mature years of the marriage, it is necessary to take care of the connection.

Third year: the comfort zone period

Somewhere towards the end of the third year, the comfort zone period begins for the couple. They begin to take each other for granted and make less and less effort to rekindle the spark. Of course, this has nothing to do with love, but it can be dangerous for a relationship. They can avoid this mainly by realizing that the comfort zone can be dangerous. Consciously take time for tenderness and romance.

Seventh year: period of boredom

Around the seventh year of marriage, partners may feel like they already know everything about each other. They are often very involved in their own careers, and on top of that, couples often have small children who take up a lot of their time. Thus, a period of boredom sets in, which can be supported by a decline in sexual desire. What to do? Make sure you maintain honest communication. Solve problems as soon as they arise. Take time for yourself. Make plans for the future.

Tenth year: a period of trouble

The tenth year is probably the most difficult period in many marriages. At that time, many women have the enormous burden of caring for children, the house and, in many cases, also their career. Thus, they may run out of time for a partnership and it starts to crumble. The easiest way to overcome this period is through open communication and humor. If you have major problems, consider going to partner therapy.

Ensure open communication.
Ensure open communication.

Twentieth year: the era of gray divorces

After the twentieth year of marriage, the last difficult period appears. This is when the empty nest syndrome occurs for many couples, as the children leave home. The house remains empty, and the partners have a lot of time at the same time, and at the same time the feeling that they don't know each other so well anymore. What can you do to avoid a "grey divorce"? Try to get closer again. Maybe you can find a hobby to do together. Go on a trip, set common goals and talk a lot.

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