
5 Most Profitable Apps

Don't leave the shops alone.

Did you know that you can also make money with mobile applications? Once you've been released from the clutches of "Angry Birds" and once you've developed type 2 diabetes from "Candy Crush", you might start thinking about using apps as a source of income and not just for fun, so that you get a euro sign at the end of the result . Sometimes it will be enough to give an opinion, sometimes you will have to shed some sweat. Which is a small thing when you consider what some people are willing to do for money.

Warm up your fingers, beat your chest and turn your phone into a personal 'ATM'. Until earnings you'll come left-handed, well, or right-handed, depending. But no matter how you look at it, you've never gotten to it as easily as with the following five applications, which bring rewards in the form of discounts, of vouchers and even of money.

Google Opinion Rewards

Uncle Google asks, you answer.
Uncle Google asks, you answer.

Tell your uncle to Google what do you think and in return he will give you credit for the online store Google Play. Questions, which he asks you, can also be very simple, such as "Which logo is better" or "What things do you prefer to spend money on" and they are yours demographically and geographically close, therefore, as in the tests, it will not be possible to copy from the neighbor. Okay, maybe from the neighbor, but you know what we mean.
Platform: Android (free app)


Make a pact!
Make a pact!

Let you healthy lifestyle it not only pays interest during the lifetime but also in financial currency. But if you betray the Pact, you can money also you lose. Namely, when you make a weekly agreement that you will e.g. practiced more and ate healthier, hangs over you like the sword of Damocles punishment, which you set yourself and which you will pay into the Pact common fund if you fail the exam. Take a photo use what you eat followers for sports activity and thus put actions for words.
Platform: iOS and Android (free app)

READ MORE: Mobile applications for active sportsmen


Your camera can be your ATM.
Your camera can be your ATM.

You profitable "Instagram" is a polygon that serves to process and share photos, but at the same time it is photo market. If, for example, Nike looking for a "night run" photo, grab your camera and match the subject. You never know, maybe the next day with him you sign the contract.
Platform: iOS and Android (free app)


Don't leave the stores alone.
Don't leave the stores alone.

Shopping online it is unique, but also because of that streets like Čopova more and more they are alone. The hustle and bustle moves into the interweb, and the streets into post-apocalyptic scenes. That's why Shopkick has teamed up with the bigger ones merchants and encourages shoppers to get outside again. Pamper yourself in the shops from the list and a reward awaits you. Yes, it's that simple!
Platform: iOS and Android (free app)


Opinions are for sharing.
Opinions are for sharing.

Your opinion not only does it count, but it's also paid. It's no secret that it would merchants and market researchers like to get inside your head. If until now they did it in a rather subtle and latent way, but not in this case the brain. Tell them what you think about the day product/service/idea and you will be rewarded for your reward, even with money. And more surveys the more you complete, the more you accumulate.
Platform: iOS and Android (free app)

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