
5 reasons why a woman will forgive you for infidelity

Can he even forgive you?

Photo: IG @man_influence._

Cheating is a poison that eats away at any relationship in which it occurs. But some women, as well as men, forgive infidelity more easily. What is going on in their minds? Why don't they leave?

It's true, infidelity is a very sensitive subject, especially if it happens to you. Deceived women often lose trust in men because of it, as well as trust in themselves and their self-confidence. The question arises in their minds, what is wrong with them, what did they do wrong that a man cheated on them.

Those who know their worth know that men chose to cheat (rather than talk), which is not their fault. And such women will hardly forgive the deception.

But when can you expect that she might "look through your fingers"? Here are 5 reasons why a woman might forgive your infidelity and stay with you.

1. She loves you too much

She just loves you too much. Even though you hurt her, she can't help her feelings. She may even have the feeling that you are even more connected after the deception, because she loves you even with a "mistake".

Such a woman is able to stay with you through all your mistakes, no matter what they are. However, this does not mean that your actions do not affect her and that she does not feel pain. One day she will realize that she can no longer bear all these wounds and that she has had enough of this behavior. She will leave then.

2. Remember only good moments

There are women who are eternal optimists and will weigh in on your mistakes. If you only cheated on her once and she felt great the whole time she was with you, she will stay. If they didn't fight, got along well, respected each other, enjoyed each other, she might decide to believe you that this is just a blemish on an otherwise perfectly good relationship.

Stains can be erased and if you let things go, they no longer bother you. But if you hurt her again, her heart will shatter into pieces. If you bring more blemishes to your relationship than good things, she will leave without saying goodbye.

3. He trusts that you won't make the same mistake again

This is a rational woman who works on herself and believes that you can do it too. She will believe that you have been acting immature and that you are aware of it. He trusts that you won't make the same, stupid mistakes again.

She will stand by you, which is what you hoped for. But beware, if you repeat the mistake, she will conclude that it is part of your immature character, that you will never change, and she will leave you.

4. They have good sex

The chemistry between you two is simply too strong. You may have cheated on her, but that didn't stop her from wanting you. Now maybe even more intense and passionate, just to prove that she is the best woman you will ever have, that none of them reach her or come to her knees.

If she senses that you're less enthusiastic about sex, that you're losing the spark she used to enjoy, and that you're no longer as committed to her, she'll still be by your side, even if she's unhappy. As long as you want her and satisfy her sexually, she will be with you.

5. She cheated on you too

Not pleasant, is it? But you did it too! The only question is whether they are ready to forgive each other, whether they are ready to stop running away from the adventure called a serious relationship.

If you can't accept the mistakes you made, just end your relationship.

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