Some say that their mother or daughter is their best friend. This may sound like the perfect scenario, but such a relationship can also have negative consequences. It is certainly good to love your family, but there should be a hierarchy within it that does not exceed the limits of a healthy relationship. Too much friendship can also become a risk, encouraging mutual rivalry, loss of respect, role confusion and even alienation.
1. Your daughter should not be your therapist
The role of friendship, especially when it comes to best friends, is to share various secrets, talk about problems and provide emotional support. Usually, such a relationship with friends is mutual. If your child or daughter s you are putting too much weight on your problems and reciprocity disappears. Namely, no child should feel that they have to solve their parents' problems, as this can lead to their own of unfounded fears, sadness and confusion.
2. It is important to set boundaries
Although friends can also set boundaries, these they differ from those set by parents. If you set a certain limit and rule, the child must understand it and follow it. Children need an adult who acts as an example for them, as they guide them, provide protection and support. You need to be the authority to the child and show that you are in charge, otherwise you will quickly become equal. If a child does not understand clear authority, he will experience feeling vulnerable, but his will be affected as well self-confidence.
3. Your daughter may find it harder to become independent
As your daughter grows, she will need to become more and more responsible for their actions and learn to make your own decisions. If you are too friendly here and make things difficult for your child and meddle too much in his life, he will independence difficult accustomed.
4. Your daughter may not develop her own personality
As long as you are too close to the child, you control his life, impose your opinion and make your demands, and he follows your demands without question, you can prevent him personality development. Such daughters are often deficient as adults self-esteem and confidence. It will be difficult for them to develop their own opinion and identity, and they will also be afraid of rejection and public reaction to their actions.
5. You can become too dependent on each other
If there are too many depend on each other this can lead to an unhealthy rivalry. A mother can in a daughter sees a rival, with which it is constantly compared. Such competition and connection is sometimes so intense that it begins to suffocate one or the other. The consequences of this are different disagreements, arguments or even estrangement.