
5 reasons to slow down the pace of life

The times when we could count different brands for the same product on the fingers of one hand are now just a museum exhibit. When we moved from a planned economy to capitalism, it brought us the much-desired abundance. But the abundance came with its price, which we paid right over time, and it seems that we have to have the "turbo" on all the time to get through it all. But know that life is not just a grind, as if we are on an emergency ride. And with a few tips, you can calm it down considerably.

We are a society that wants everything, and now. Not in an hour, not tomorrow. Now! And who would blame us when we have quietly in Computers, Internet and Science. Tomatoes out of season? No problem. The whole season strings without the dictates of a TV program? No problem.

While watching a flower, it may not seem like as much will happen as if you were looking at a screen, but with this you will take an important piece of time for yourself and feed your soul, rather than winning another probably insignificant capitalistic trophy in the form of news, for example.
While watching a flower, it may not seem like as much will happen as if you were looking at a screen, but with this you will take an important piece of time for yourself and feed your soul, rather than winning another probably insignificant capitalistic trophy in the form of news, for example.

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But with a "heavy foot" we miss the details, everything is blurred. Life moments they are only "trailers", a bombastic concentrate, instead of being the whole movie, with all its faults and pluses. And trailer he's never won an Oscar, so life will never be truly full if you don't take care of things took time. See why it's worth it.

1. You will get to know people better

Ocular contacts between people, who walk past each other, are increasingly withdrawing from the contacts we have in our smartphone directories and social networks. They give us the false idea that we have social life, to know people or to know everything about them. Take time for live communication and learn things about people that otherwise do not pass through the sieve of social networks. Get to know the uncensored version of the man. Press a like in the form of a hug or a nice word instead.

Stop before life shows you a red light.
Stop before life shows you a red light.

2. Better intuition

Life is not just formality, is not something that every action needs instructions, reasons, (legal) basis, etc. They are also and above all life values and intuition it's one of those things that helps us not to be swayed by rules and social norms. Don't be afraid is to use. Give it a hug a friend when you see him sad. Don't be embarrassed, don't be ashamed.

3. You will distinguish between fury and busyness

Usually we're going wild, because we have the feeling that there are still so many things waiting for us. But he still only has a day 24 hours, and we want to cram everything lying around into it (imagine packing a suitcase that is so full that four people have to close it together). Today it seems you are a sinner, if you haven't too busy. And they say it's time money. But what good is money to us if we don't know how to turn it into happiness. So find it the right relationship, because we know what happens if you spin to one side for too long around your axis. Time is worth its weight in gold, time is not money. Because in the latter case chase your own tail and that tail is luck. So learn the difference.

Turn over a new leaf in your life and give it a little more air. He will thank you.
Turn over a new leaf in your life and give it a little more air. He will thank you.

4. You will set a good example

When everything around us is going wild, we are usually sucked into this vortex. But have you ever noticed how beneficial effect someone who managed to stay calm can have it on us. Be the one, who are pulling this wagon. Maybe you won't be able to drastically calm down pace, but sometimes a little is enough, yes let's gather our thoughts and let's be careful not to walk on lava.

5. You will choose time for yourself

For the sake of it tempo and foreign ones burden that we impose on ourselves, we can measure ourselves very much today a little time for myself. Even our own thoughts have become strangers to us. Yes, it may be necessary to elbow for more time, but bruises will disappear. Set aside time for things that make your heart sing played in major and not the minor one he usually plays in as he battles time. And that way you will also be able to deal more easily with things that are not to your liking.

Life is a long distance race. Don't falter somewhere in the middle because you over-paced.
Life is a long distance race. Don't falter somewhere in the middle because you over-paced.

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