
5 reasons why you should keep your feet on the wall for 10 minutes every day

Photo: envato

Did you know that the daily practice of putting your legs up the wall can have incredible benefits for your body and mind? Let's look at the reasons why you should include this exercise in your daily routine. Why should you keep your feet on the wall for 10 minutes every day?

Why keep your feet on the wall? In the modern world, where we face many challenges, stressful situations and fast pace of life on a daily basis, it is crucial to take time for ourselves. One of the simple ones, a exceptionally effective relaxation techniques is the leg hold on the wall, also known as "Viparita Karani" in Sanskrit. This practice has its roots in ancient yoga and has become popular worldwide for its positive effects on the body and mind.

Leg lifts are more than just a physical exercise. There is a way how calm the nervous system, relax the body and achieve inner harmony and peace.

Take 10 minutes each day and do this exercise, which will take you into a meditative state before you know it. You will feel your body and mind sink into peace and harmony, and you will relax, full of new energy.

Photo: envato

Preparation for exercise - how to keep your feet on the wall

Before starting this exercise, find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Make sure you have enough room to lie on your back and raise your legs up against the wall. If you might be talking on the phone or dealing with texting while exercising, you won't be able to fully relax. Therefore, it is important to remove all distractions.

1. Execution of the exercise:

Lie on your back with your thighs about 15 to 50 centimeters away from the wall.
Bend your legs at the knees and lean them against the wall so that the thighs are perpendicular to the back and the buttocks at the correct distance from the wall.
Stretch your legs and lean them against the wall. Make sure they stay stretched out and relaxed.
Under the head (or back) place a pillow to make your position as comfortable as possible. Closed eyes are key to relaxation.
One palm place on the stomach and the other on the heart.

2. Breathing

Focus on your breathing. Inhale slowly through your nose for a count of 2, then exhale through your mouth for a count of 4. This breathing pattern will help calm your nervous system and bring you into a state of relaxation.

3. Duration of the exercise

Stay in this position for 10 minutes with your eyes closed. During this time, focus on breathing, turn off everyday worries and indulge in relaxation.

Photo: envato

5 beneficial effects of keeping your feet on the wall

1. Reduces leg swelling
Elevating your legs up a wall helps improve circulation in your lower extremities, which can reduce swelling and the feeling of heavy legs.
2. Eliminates tired legs syndrome
If you have tired legs after a long day at work or a long period of walking, this exercise will help you relax tense muscles and eliminate the feeling of fatigue.
3. Improves digestion
Exercise can help improve digestion by stimulating the digestive system.
4. Relaxes the nervous system
Putting your feet up on the wall calms the nervous system, reduces stress and tension, and helps you achieve inner peace.
5. Contributes to peace of mind
This exercise will put you in a state of meditation, even if you are not even aware of it. You will feel your body and mind sink into peace and harmony and relax, full of new energy.

Doing this simple exercise can bring many positive changes to your physical and mental well-being.

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