All dog owners are aware that a dog's lifespan is significantly shorter than a human's and that dogs live an average of 10 to 14 years. As a dog owner, the most you can do is to help your dog live a healthier and happier life in various ways. These are important rules for dog owners!
1. Maintain his healthy weight
As with humans, being overweight is a problem for dogs. Maintaining an ideal body weight is critical to your dog's health. If a dog consumes too many calories, the excess energy is converted into body fat, which infiltrates the organs and thereby reduces their performance. Being overweight can lead to various diseases from breathing problems, high blood pressure, diabetes, damage to ligaments and joints.
It is also important good nutrition, which is associated with a healthy aging process. "Good" nutrition is different for every dog, because we have different breeds of dogs with different needs and problems. So be sure to find a food that provides all the nutrients your dog needs. The best indicator of proper nutrition is dog excrement. Firm poop is an indicator of efficient digestion. If it is too hard, soft and smelly, it means that you need to change the food.
2. Physical activity
The physical activity of a dog has many physiological and psychological benefits. This helps control body weight and is also related to his health. Regular dog walks ensure healthy and flexible ligaments, joints, digestion and well-being. Regular walks also socialize the dog, prevent possible anxiety or even signs of destructiveness. When determining the length of the walk, you must of course take into account his age, physical constitution, health condition and breed.
Photo: Karolina Grabowska/ Pexels
3. Teach him new tricks
Aging is not only physical it is also mentally, so you have to make sure to maintain it as well. The challenge of chewing on a toy can help your dog improve brain functions. Even if his physical activity is limited, explore games and activities that will take less effort. Hide a treat for him, because it's a use his nose very fun and useful for them.
4. Socializing and networking
Dogs develop an attachment to their owner. A stable bond between you can help maintain mutual happiness. Their presence and love have a beneficial effect on both you and the dog. Animals can be great companions, motivators, friends and comforters. Dogs feel with you and take care of you in a very special way and never let you down.
5. Go to the vet
Modern veterinary medicine provides significant improvements in the prevention and treatment of health problems in dogs. Regular health check-ups can also be helpful in detection various possible problems, which cause pain to the dog and negatively affect its well-being. Although we cannot change a dog's genetics, there are many things we can do to improve his health, which can help him live a longer and healthier life. Therefore, visit the vet regularly.