
5 Signs You're Acting Like a Mother, Not a Partner in a Relationship

Photo: envato

Most couples strive to make the relationship an equal partnership. The desire to care for your significant other is completely natural, but there is a fine line between caring for your partner and what is akin to caring for a child. So here are five signs that you are acting more like a parent and less like a partner in your relationship.

1. An argument without a solution

Discussions and arguments are an integral part of any relationship, but it is important that you know how to resolve them successfully, as your roles in the relationship are equal. If after the end of an argument you feel anger, rage, disappointment and hold grudges indefinitely, this indicates that you will have to solve the arguments constructively and in a more equal and mature way.


2. Cleaning up after your partner

Whether it's food crumbs or piles of clothes rolling around on the floor, you need to realize that it's your partner who has to put them away. If you are constantly watching, controlling and cleaning up after him, you need to stop doing this immediately. Housework is also an equal part of the partnership.

3. Making excuses

You usually only want to see your partner in the best light and defend their decisions. But the constant need to make excuses, defend and find his excuses will not make your relationship more successful. A mother's shield is not needed for the partner's actions, but only an encouragement to start making his own decisions.

4. Full control

There are people who have a strong desire for control. If you control every aspect of the relationship, it means that you do not trust both yourself and your partner. It is important that both of you understand this state of the relationship and start making different decisions maturely.


5. Constant complaining

No one likes constant complaining, especially not the person who has to listen to it. Constructive communication is necessary, even if there is a person with you who behaves like a child. You are adults, so make an effort and behave accordingly.


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