
5 signs that your relationship is slowly but surely falling apart

Photo: Allan Dias/Unsplash

Relationships can often be complicated, and no one wants to feel like they're wasting their time with someone waiting for something that won't come.

Many times, partners get tired of each other, they don't know how to communicate, and many couples break up because of this, but the question is how to recognize that the relationship is really falling apart and that it no longer has a perspective.

There are some reliable signs that will help you resolve your dilemmas and help you think about your further decisions.

1. Your partner doesn't respect you

A sign that the relationship is slowly falling apart is if one of the partners belittles the other and treats him with disrespect. If your partner does not want to consult with you and reduces your positive energy, this is a sign that something is wrong.


2. He emotionally abuses you

He can be friendly in public, but between the four walls he is completely different. If your partner tries to distance you from your family, friends, this is a bad sign.

3. You feel incompatible

You've wondered if this is the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, and if you're willing to accept all of their strengths and weaknesses, and you've come to the conclusion that they're not. Your communication is minimal as you no longer have common opinions, which shows that you are definitely not in love anymore.


4. Lead different lives

You don't have to be together all the time, and it's okay to have lives outside of life with your partner, but it's a big problem if you two completely diverge and you don't want to talk about the past day and plans for the next day. If he's no longer a part of your day, your relationship is over.

5. You keep arguing about the same things

If you can't compromise and sort out the little everyday conflicts, even if those conflicts are always the same, then you're no longer a soul mate. Major mistakes were never decisive, but always small and seemingly insignificant, which are usually to blame for the breakup.

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